The Remains of the Day
            By Kazuo Ishiguro


- Salisbury -


- Salisbury -

二日目 - 朝
- ソールズベリー -


Go to the Contents 目次へ戻る





 Strange beds have rarely agreed with me, and after only a short spell of somewhat troubled slumber, I awake an hour or so ago. It was then still dark, and knowing I had a full day's motoring ahead of me, I made an attempt to return to sleep. This proved futile, and when I decided eventually to rise, it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner. But when having finished I switched it off again, I could see early daylight at the edges of the curtains.


*a short spell = a short period
★Sunrise in Salisbury in August is around 6 am, and twilight start is around 5:30 am, so Stevens awoke about 4:30 am.


 When I parted them just a moment ago, the light outside was still very pale and something of a mist was affecting my view of the baker's shop and chemist's shop opposite. Indeed, following the street further along to where it runs over the little round-back bridge, I could see the mist rising from the river, obscuring almost entirely one of the bridge-posts. There was not a soul to be seen, and apart from a hammering noise echoing from somewhere distant, and an occasional coughing in a room to the back of the house, there is still no sound to be heard. The landlady is clearly not yet up and about, suggesting there is little chance of her service breakfast earlier than her declared time of seven thirty.


*up and about ベッドから起き上がって動き回る ※up and aroundともいうが、こちらはアメリカ英語っぽい表現


 Now, in these quiet moments as I wait for the world about to awake, I find myself going over in my mind again passages from Miss Kenton's letter. Incidentally, I should before now have explained myself as regards my referring to 'Miss Kenton'. 'Miss Kenton' is properly speaking 'Mrs Benn' and has been for twenty years. However, because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become 'Mrs Benn', you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her, and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years.


*go over 読み返す、思い返す
*explain oneself 自分の立場を説明する、前の発言について明確にする
*at close quarters 接近して、近い距離で
*impropriety 不適当な行動、言葉の誤用 [formal]
*you will excuse sth ~をご容赦頂く、お許しいただく

Of course, her letter has given me extra cause to continue thinking of her as 'Miss Kenton', since it would seem, sadly, that her marriage is finally to come to an end. The letter does not make specific the details of the matter, as one would hardly expect it to do, but Miss Kenton states unambiguously that she has now, in fact, taken the step of moving out of Mr Benn's house in Helston and is presently lodging with an acquaintance in the nearby village of Little Compton.


💬いや、Of course 言ってるけど、全然わかんなかったよ。単に邪推しただけだった(笑)
*take a step of sth ~に一歩踏み出す、~に踏み切る
Helston ヘルストン:イギリス西部コンウォール地方の半島の端っこにある街
lodge with sb 人の家に身を寄せる、間借りする
Little Compton リトル・コンプトン村:ウィキペディアではホントにこれか?という村しか出てこない。場所が西部地方ではないので、 なんだか違いそう。コーンウォールから離れすぎている。ロンドンより北だし。


 It is of course tragic that her marriage is now ending in failure. At this very moment, no doubt, she is pondering with regret decisions made in the far-off past that have now left her, deep in middle age, so alone and desolate. And it is easy to see how in such a frame of mind, the thought of returning to Darlington Hall would be a great comfort to her.


*deep in middle age 中年半ばにして ※なんでだか分からないのだが、これで副詞句として働くフレーズ。時を表すものだからかもしれない。

Admittedly, she does not at any point in her letter state explicitly her desire to return; but that is the unmistakable message conveyed by the general nuance of many of the passages, imbued as they are with a deep nostalgia for her days at Darlington Hall.


imbued as they are with a deep nostalgia for her days at Darlington Hall
*imbued as they are ※分詞構文の一種でas they are imbuedの変形。as they areが挿入されていると見てもだいだい意味は同じ

Of course, Miss Kenton cannot hope by returning at this stage ever to retrieve those lost years, and it will be my first duty to impress this upon her when we meet. I will have to point out how different things are now - that the days of working with a grand staff at one's beck and call will probably never return within our lifetime. But then Miss Kenton is an intelligent woman and she will have already realized these things.


*at this stage 今になって
*at one's beck and call 人を顎で使う、頼めばハイハイと聞いてくれる ※beck = beckon、通常悪い意味に使う
*but then = on the other hand
★she will have already realized these things.

 Indeed, all in all, I cannot see why the option of her returning to Darlington Hall and seeing out her working years there should not offer a very genuine consolation to a life that has come to be so dominated by a sense of waste.


*see out a period of time その期間の最後までそれを続ける
*one's working years (学生時代や退職後に対して)就労期間
*consolation 慰め


 And of course, from my own professional viewpoint, it is clear that even after a break of so many years, Miss Kenton would prove the perfect solution to the problem at present besetting us at Darlington Hall. In fact, by terming it a 'problem', I perhaps overstate the matter. I am referring, after all, to a series of very minor errors on my part and the course I am now pursuing is merely a means of pre-empting any 'problems' before one arises. It is true, these same trivial problems did cause me some anxiety at first, but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage, I have refrained from giving them much thought. Miss Kenton's arrival, as I say, will put a permanent end to them.


*besetting 絶えずつきまとっている
*overstate 大袈裟に言う
*pre-empt (やらなくても大丈夫そうなことに)念のため先手を打つ、先回りする
*diagnose sth (illness or problem) as sth 問題を~と診断する
*straightforward 簡単な、すぐに解決可能な
*refrain from doing 敢えて~しないようにする、避ける


 But to return to her letter. It does at times reveal a certain despair over her present situation - a fact that is rather concerning. She begins one sentence: 'Although I have no idea how I shall usefully fill the remainder of my life . . . ' And again, elsewhere, she writes: 'The rest of my life stretches out as an emptiness before me.'


For the most part, though, as I have said, the tone is one of nostalgia. At one point, for instance, she writes:
 'This whole incident put me in mind of Alice White. Do you remember her? In fact, I hardly imagine you could forget her. For myself, I am still haunted by those vowel sounds and those uniquely ungrammatical sentences only she could dream up! Have you any idea what became of her?'


*vowel (vάʊəl) sound 母音 ※発音注、w を読まない
*dream up 思いつく、頭の中で夢想する、構想を描く
*What became of sb/ sth ~はその後どうなったのか ※日本語とは逆に、 what が主語になってどうなったのかの対象は of の目的語になる事に注意。元々は[What come out of sth? ~から出て来るものは何か?]という意味だったのが比喩的に状況や運命のその後を尋ねるようになったものでof は基点を表している。

 I have not, as a matter of fact, though I must say it rather amused me to remember that exasperating housemaid - who in the end turned out to be one of the most devoted.


*exasperate やたらと人を怒らせる、究極的にイライラさせる

At another point in her letter, Miss Kenton writes:
 'I was so fond of that view from the second-floor bedrooms overlooking the lawn with the downs visible in the distance. Is it still like that? On summer evenings there was a sort of magical quality to that view and I will confess to you now I used to waste many precious minutes standing at one of those windows just enchanted by it.'


*lawn 綺麗に刈り込まれた芝生
*downs ちらほら木が生える丘陵地 [British]
*there is sth to sth 確かに~には~がある [emphasis]


 Then she goes on to add:
 'If this is a painful memory, forgive me. But I will never forget that time we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the summerhouse, looking down at the ground as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there.'




 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it had done with me. Indeed, it must have occurred on just one of those summer evenings she mentions, for I can recall distinctly climbing to the second landing and seeing before me a series of orange shafts from the sunset breaking the gloom of the corridor where each bedroom door stood ajar. And as I made my way past those bedrooms, I had seen through a doorway Miss Kenton's figure, silhouetted against a window, turn and call softly: 'Mr Stevens, if you have a moment.' As I entered, Miss Kenton had turned back to the window. Down below, the shadows of the poplars were falling across the lawn. To the right of our view, the lawn sloped up a gentle embankment to where the summerhouse stood, and it was there my father's figure could be seen, pacing slowly with an air of preoccupation - indeed, as Miss Kenton puts it so well, 'as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there'.


*a revelation 意外な新事実
*ajar adj. 扉が半開きで
*landing 階段の一番上、階段を昇り切った廊下の端 ※踊り場とは限らない
*preoccupation 夢中になっている状態、没頭している状態


 There are some very pertinent reasons why this memory has remained with me, as I wish to explain. Moreover, now that I come to think of it, it is perhaps not so surprising that it should also have made a deep impression on Miss Kenton given certain aspects of her relationship with my father during her early days at Darlington Hall.


*pertinent 適切な [formal] ※pertain to sth (vi.) ~に適する [formal]
*come to think of it 今考えてみると、ふと思い付いたのだが ※喋っている最中に何かをふと思い出した、思い当たった時に使う
*given (prep.) ~を考えると、考慮に入れると ※concerningとほぼ同じだが、concerningの方が固い





Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time - that is to say, the spring of 1922 - as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous house-keeper and under-butler. This has occurred due to these latter two persons deciding to marry one another and leave the profession. I had always found such liaisons a serious thereat to the order in a house. Since that time, I have lost numerous more employees in such circumstance.


*at one stroke 一撃で、一挙に
*one another = each other
★under-butler 執事補:footmanの長がなる役職、執事見習い。役職としてはハウスキーパーより下。
*liaison (liéɪzɑn) 秘密の男女関係 ※アメリカでは(líːəzὰn)
*numerous (njúːmərəs) ※発音注意ニューと伸びる、ちなみに順番は後ろに名詞がある時はnumerous more (noun) ないときは、more numerous

Of course, one has to expect such things to occur amongst maids and footmen, and a good butler should always take this into account in his planning; but such marrying amongst more senior employees can have an extremely disruptive effect on work. Of course, if two members of staff happen to fall in love and decide to marry, it would be churlish to be apportioning blame; but what I find a major irritation are those persons - and housekeepers are particularly guilty here - who have no genuine commitment to their profession and who are essentially going from post to post looking for romance. This sort of person is a blight on good professionalism.


*destructive 根底から覆るような
*churlish (ˈtʃɜːlɪʃ) 育ちの悪い行いの、意地の悪い [disapproval]
*apportion blame 責任を取らせる ※apportion 規則によって割り当てる
*a blight on sth ~をダメにする元凶、腐った林檎


 But let me say immediately I do not have Miss Kenton in mind at all when I say this. Of course, she too eventually left my staff to get married, but I can vouch that during the time she worked as a housekeeper under me, she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted.


*vouch (vaʊtʃ) 人柄を保証する
*nothing less than sth ~に他ならない


 But I am digressing. I was explaining that we had fallen in need of a housekeeper and an under-butler at one and the same time and Miss Kenton had arrived - with unusually good references, I recall - to take up the former post.


*digress 本題から逸れる
*references 推薦状
*take up the former post 前任者から役職を引き継ぐ

As it happened, my father had around this time come to the end of his distinguished service at Loughborough House with the death of his employer, Mr John Silvers, and had been at something of a loss for work and accommodation. Although he was still, of course, a professional of the highest class, he was now in his seventies and much ravaged by arthritis and other ailments. It was not at all certain, then, how he would fare against the younger breed of highly professionalized butlers looking for posts. In view of this, it seemed a reasonable solution to ask my father to bring his great experience and distinction to Darlington Hall.


*As it happened, 実はなんと~だった ※驚きの内容や状態を話す時の前振り
*be at a loss 何をしていいか分からない状態で、途方に暮れて
*accommodations 住居
*ravaged (ˈrævɪdʒd) もだえ苦しむ
*arthritis (ɑːθrάɪtɪs) 関節炎
*fare against sb ~と比して上手くやる、仕事をこなす
*breed of person ~のような人
*distinction 長所、優位性


 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff, I had been in my pantry, sitting at the table going through my paperwork, when I heard a knock on my door. I recall I was a little taken aback when Miss Kenton opened the door and entered before I had bidden her to do so. She came in holding a large vase of flowers and said with a smile:
 'Mr Stevens, I thought these would brighten your parlour a little.'


*pantry キッチン脇にある小さな部屋
*be taken aback 不意を突かれて即答できない
*bid sb do 人に~するよう告げる [literary]
*vase (vɑːz) 花瓶 ※いかにもBritishな発音その2、ヴァーズ。アメリカ英語(veɪs)と全く発音が違う。


 'I beg your pardon, Miss Kenton?'
 'It seemed such a pity your room should be so dark and cold, Mr Stevens, when it's such bright sunshine outside. I thought these would enliven things a little.'
 'That's very kind of you, Miss Kenton.'
 'It's a shame more sun doesn't get in here. The walls are even a little damp, are they not, Mr Stevens?'


*parlour 座るための部屋 [old-fashioned] ※日本語で言えば座敷なのだが、西洋の館には合わないので取り敢えず執務室で
*enliven (ɪnlάɪvən) 生き生きと明るくする
*damp (dæmp) じめじめした
*..., are they not? [formal] ※.付加疑問.., aren't they?のフォーマル版


 I turned back to my accounts, saying: 'Merely condensation, I believe, Miss Kenton.'
 She put her vase down on the table in front of me, then glancing around my pantry again said: 'If you wish, Mr Stevens, I might bring in some more cuttings for you.'
 'Miss Kenton, I appreciate your kindness. But this is not a room of entertainment. I am happy to have distractions kept to a minimum.'
 'But surely, Mr Stevens, there is no need to keep your room so stark and bereft of colour.'
 'It has served me perfectly well this far as it is, Miss Kenton, thought I appreciate your thoughts. In fact, since you are here, there was a certain matter I wished to raise with you.'


★accounts 勘定報告書 ※ここで先に目を通していた書類が勘定報告書であった事が分かる
*condensation 結露、水滴
*cuttings 切り花
*stark (stɑːʳk) 味もそっけもない、殺風景な
*be bereft (bɪˈrɛft) of sth ~を奪われた [formal] ※bereave 無理やり奪うのp.p.
*this far as it is 今まで通りこれまでの所 ※これ全体で副詞句


 'Oh, really, Mr Stevens.'
 'Yes, Miss Kenton, just a small matter. I happened to be walking past the kitchen yesterday when I heard you calling to someone named William.'
 'Is that so, Mr Stevens?'
 'Indeed, Miss Kenton. I did hear you call several times for "William". May I ask who it was you were addressing by that name?'
 'Why, Mr Stevens, I should think I was addressing your father. There are no other Williams in this house, I take it.'
 'It's an easy enough error to have made,' I said with a small smile. 'May I ask you in future, Miss Kenton, to address my father as "Mr Stevens"? If you are referring to him to a third party, then you may wish to call him "Mr Stevens senior" to distinguish him from myself. I'm most grateful, Miss Kenton.'


★I take it そう解釈しておりますけど ※I take it that (あなたの言っているのは)~という事ですね。 と確認する時などに使う
*third party 第三者


 With that I turned back to my papers. But to my surprise, Miss Kenton did not take her leave. 'Excuse me, Mr Stevens,' she said after a moment.
 'Yes, Miss Kenton.'
 'I am afraid I am not quite clever what you are saying. I have in the past been accustomed to addressing under-servants by their Christian names and saw no reason to do otherwise in this house.'
 'A most understandable error, Miss Kenton. However, if you will consider the situation for a moment, you may come to see the inappropriateness of someone such as yourself talking "down" to one such an my father.'


*take one's leave 失礼しますと言って辞去する、下がる [formal]
*Christian name ※大雑把にfirst nameの代わりに使われる事があるが、書類のように厳密な場ではfirst name や given nameが使われる

 'I am still not clear what you are getting at, Mr Stevens. You say someone such as myself, but I am as far as I understand the housekeeper of this house, while your father is the under-butler.'
 'He is of course in title the under-butler, as you say. But I am surprised your powers of observation have not already made it clear to you that he is in reality more than that. A great deal more.'


★A great deal more (competent) もっとずっと(有能な)ね ※moreの後の形容詞が省略されている

 'No doubt I have been extremely unobservant, Mr Stevens. I had only observed that your father was an able under-butler and addressed him accordingly. It must indeed have been most galling for him to be so addressed by one such as I.'
 'Miss Kenton, it is clear from your tone you simply have not observed my father. If you had done so, the inappropriateness of someone of your age and standing addressing him as "William" should have been self-evident to you.'


*unobservant adj. 意識して見ていない、認識の至らない
*galling (ˈgɔlɪŋ) 癇に障る
*inappropriateness of A and B AとBは合わない、組み合わせとして適当でない

  'Mr Stevens, I may not have been a housekeeper for long, but I would say that in the time I have been, my abilities have attracted some very generous remarks.'
 'I do not doubt your competence for one moment, Miss Kenton. But a hundred things should have indicated to you that my father is a figure of unusual distinction from whom you may learn a wealth of things were you prepared to be more observant.'


*competence (ˈkɒmpɪtəns) 有能さ、適正
★But a hundred things should have indicated to you that ... were you prepared to be more observant.
*observant adj. 注意深く観察して、観察力があって

 'I am most indebted to you for your advice, Mr Stevens. So do please tell me, just what marvellous things might I learn from observing your father?'
 'I would have thought it obvious to anyone with eyes, Miss Kenton.'
 'But we have already established, have we not, that I am particularly deficient in that respect.'
 'Miss Kenton, if you are under the impression you have already at your age perfected yourself, you will never rise to the heights you are no doubt capable of. I might point out, for instance, you are still often unsure of what goes where and which item is which.'


*be indebted (ɪnˈdɛtɪd) to sb for sth 人に~で借りがある、~について恩に着る
*establish that-clause  はっきり~であると認める、明らかにする [formal]
*deficient 至らない、不十分な
★you will never rise to the heights you are no doubt capable of


 This seemed to take the wind out of Miss Kenton's sails somewhat. Indeed, for a moment, she looked a little upset. Then she said:
 'I had a little difficulty on first arriving, but that is surely only normal.'
 'Ah, there you are, Miss Kenton. If you had observed my father who arrived in this house a week after you did, you will have seen that his house knowledge is perfect and was so almost from the time he set foot in Darlington Hall.'
 Miss Kenton seemed to think about this before saying a little sulkily:
 'I am sure Mr Stevens senior is very good at his job, but I assure you, Mr Stevens, I am very good at mine. I will remember to address your father by his full title in future. Now, if you would please excuse me.'


*take the wind out of sb's sails 気勢を削ぐ、言おうとしていた事の勢いを失わせる [British] ※[American]ではちょっと意味が違って、予想外の事で驚かせる
★If you had observed my father who arrived in this house a week after you did, you will have seen that his house knowledge is perfect
*sulkily (ˈsʌlkɪlɪ) むくれた様子で、ぶすくれた様子で
*full title ミスター付きの呼称


 After this encounter, Miss Kenton did not attempt to introduce further flowers into my pantry, and in general, I was pleased to observe, she went about settling in impressively. It was clear, furthermore, she was a housekeeper who took her work very seriously and in spite of her youth, she seemed to have no difficulty gaining the respect of her staff.


*go about せっせと仕事をする
*settle in 新しい場所に落ち着く


 I noticed too that she was indeed proceeding to address my father as 'Mr Stevens'. However, one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry, I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said:
 'Excuse me, Mr Stevens. But if you are searching for your dust-pan, it is out in the hall.'
 'I beg your pardon, Miss Kenton?'
 'Your dust-pan, Mr Stevens. You're left it out here. Shall I bring it in for you?'
 'Miss Kenton, I have not been using a dust-pan.'
 'Ah, well, then forgive me, Mr Stevens. I naturally assumed you were using your dust-pan and had left it out in the hall. I am sorry to have disturbed you.'



 She started to leave, but then turned at the doorway and said:
 'Oh, Mr Stevens. I would return it myself but I have to go upstairs just now. I wonder if you will remember it?'
 'Of course, Miss Kenton. Thank you for drawing attention to it.'
 'It is quite all right, Mr Stevens.'
 I listened to her footsteps cross the hall and start up the great staircase, then proceeded to the doorway myself. From the library doors, one has an unbroken view right across the entrance hall to the main doors of the house. Most conspicuously, in virtually the central spot of the otherwise empty and highly polished floor, lay the dust-pan Miss Kenton had alluded to.


*most conspicuously 何とも目立つことに ※このmostはveryの意
*virtually ほぼ、ほとんど
*otherwise empty 他にはなにもない ※otherwise + 普段の状態:その他は~な状態で。e.g. otherwise correct その他は正しい, otherwise in good condition その他は良い状態で。他の指すものは文脈のみ
*allude それとなく指摘する、仄めかす [formal]


 It struck me as a trivial, but irritating error; the dust-pan would have been conspicuous not only from the five ground-floor doorways opening on the hall, but also from the staircase and the first-floor balconies. I crossed the hall and had actually picked up the offending item before realizing its full implication; my father, I recalled, had been brushing the entrance hall a half-hour or so earlier. At first, I found it hard to credit such an error to my father. But I soon reminded myself that such trivial slips are liable to befall anyone from time to time, and my irritation soon turned to Miss Kenton for attempting to create such unwarranted fuss over the incident.


*trivial slips 些細な過ち
*unwarranted (ʌnˈwɒrəntɪd) 不当な [formal, disapproval]


 Then, not more than a week later, I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made my staff, she and I had to work as a team, and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff. She then went on to point out that several pieces of silver had been laid out for the dining room which bore clear remains of polish. The end of one fork had been practically black. I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour. It had been unnecessary, of course, for her to mention that the silver was one of my father's main responsibilities and one he took great pride in.


*rehearse 頭の中で復唱する
*inhibited (ɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd) 言い出しづらい、やりづらいと躊躇する


 It is very possible there were a number of other instances of this sort which I have now forgotten. In any case, I recall things reaching something of a climax one grey and drizzly afternoon when I was in the billiard room attending to Lord Darlington's sporting trophies.


*grey 灰色の ※[American] gray
*drizzly 小雨交じりの

Miss Kenton had entered and said from the door:
 'Mr Stevens, I have just noticed something outside which puzzles me.'
 'What is that, Miss Kenton?'
 'Was it his lordship's wish that the Chinaman on the upstairs landing should be exchanged with the one outside this door?'
 'The Chinaman, Miss Kenton?'
 'Yes, Mr Stevens. The Chinaman normally on the landing you will now find outside this door.'
 'I fear, Miss Kenton, that you are a little confused.'
 'I do not believe I am confused at all, Mr Stevens. I make it my business to acquaint myself with where objects properly belong in a house. The Chinamen, I would suppose, were polished by someone then replaced incorrectly. If you are sceptical, Mr Stevens, perhaps you will care to step out here and observe for yourself.'


*his lordship 閣下 [politeness]
★Chinaman 志那人(像):chinamanはChinese manに対するちょっと古い表現でもある。ここでは多分中国人の陶器の像
*make it one's business to do sth ~する事に力を入れる ※通常の自分の仕事ではないことについて使う
*acquaint oneself with sth ~に精通する
*care to do sth よろしければ~して頂いて [politeness]


 'Miss Kenton, I am busy just now and will attend to the matter shortly. It is hardly one of urgency.'
 'You accept then, Mr Stevens, that I am not in error on this point.'
 'I will accept nothing of the sort, Miss Kenton, until I have had the chance to deal with the matter. However, I am occupied at present.'
 I turned back to my business, but Miss Kenton remained in the doorway observing me. Eventually, she said:
 'I can see you will be finished very shortly, Mr Stevens. I will await you outside so that this matter may be finalized when you come out.'
 'Miss Kenton, I believe you are according this matter an urgency it hardly merits.'


*shortly じきに、まもなく ※時間が短いことではなく、前後のすぐの時間を指す
*accord O₁ O₂ O₁にO₂を与える [formal]


 But Miss Kenton had departed, and sure enough, as I continued with my work, an occasional footstep or some other sound would serve to remind me she was still there outside the door. I decided therefore to occupy myself with some further tasks in the billiard room, assuming she would after a while see the ludicrousness of her position and leave. However, after some time had passed, and I had exhausted the tasks which could usefully be achieved with the implements I happened to have at hand, Miss Kenton was evidently still outside.


*But Miss Kenton had departed, かくしてミスケントンは出て行ったのであるが、※このButは話を転換する時のButで逆説ではない
*sure enough 案の定
*implement (ˈɪmplɪmənt) 用具 [formal] ※動詞は(ˈɪmplɪˌmɛnt)

Resolved not to waste further time on account of this childish affair, I contemplated departure via the french windows. A drawback to this plan was the weather - that is to say, several large puddles and patches of mud were in evidence - and the fact that one would need to return to the billiard room again at some point to bolt the french windows from the inside.


*contemplate sth ~をするかしないか思案する
★french window フランス式の両開き窓:両開きの扉の様になっている窓で、真ん中に支柱がないので開いた時に景観の邪魔にならないタイプの窓。
*drawback 欠点
*bolt (窓の)掛け金をかける

Eventually, then, I decided the best strategy would be simply to stride out of the room very suddenly at a furious pace. I thus made my way as quietly as possible to a position from which I could execute such a march, and clutching my implements firmly about me, succeeded in propelling myself though the doorway and several paces down the corridor before a somewhat astonished Miss Kenton could recover her wits. This she did, however, rather rapidly and the next moment I found she had overtaken me and was standing before me, effectively barring my way.


*at a furious pace 猛烈な勢いで、ペースで
*overtake 追い越す

 'Mr Stevens, this is the incorrect Chinaman, would you not agree?'
 'Miss Kenton, I am very busy. I am surprised you have nothing better to do than stand in corridors all day.'
 'Mr Stevens, is that the correct Chinaman or is it not?'
 'Miss Kenton, I would ask you to keep your voice down.'
 'And I would ask you, Mr Stevens, to turn around and look at that Chinaman.'
 'Miss Kenton, please keep your voice down. What would employees below think to hear us shouting at the top of our voices about what is and what is not the correct Chinaman?'


*at the top of one's voice 声を限りに、物凄い大声で
★Chinaman 志那人(像):単純に中国人なのだがちょっと古い言い方。現在は普通Chinese man

 'The fact is, Mr Stevens, all the Chinamen in this house have been dirty for some time! And now, they are in incorrect positions!'
 'Miss Kenton, you are being quite ridiculous. Now if you will be so good as to let me pass.'
 'Mr Stevens, will you kindly look at the Chinaman behind you?'
 'If it is so important to you, Miss Kenton, I will allow that the Chinaman behind me may well be incorrectly situated. But I must say I am at some loss as to why you should be so concerned with these most trivial of errors.'


*if you will be so good as to do sth よろしければ~していただきたいのですが ※かなり丁寧なお願い
*situated (ˈsɪtʃʊeɪtɪd) 置かれている、位置付けにある [formal]

 'These errors may be trivial in themselves, Mr Stevens, but you must yourself realize their larger significance.'
 'Miss Kenton, I do not understand you. Now if you would kindly allow me to pass.'
 'The fact is, Mr Stevens, your father is entrusted with far more than a man of his age can cope with.'
 'Miss Kenton, you clearly have little idea of what you are suggesting.'
 'Whatever your father was once, Mr Stevens, his powers are now greatly diminished. This is what these 'trivial errors' as you call them really signify and if you do not heed them, it will not be long before your father commits an error of major proportions.'


*heed 提案や助言に注意を払う [formal]

 'Miss Kenton, you are merely making yourself look foolish.'
 'I am sorry, Mr Stevens, but I must go on. I believe there are many duties your father should now be relieved of. He should not, for one, be asked to go on carrying heavily laden trays. The way his hands tremble as he carries them into dinner is nothing short of alarming. It is surely only a matter of time before a tray falls from his hands on to a lady or gentleman's lap. And furthermore, Mr Stevens, and I am very sorry to say this, I have noticed your father's nose.'


*relieve sb of sth 人から~を取り去ってやる
*for one 他の人がどうであれ [emphasis]
*laden 物を満載した

 'Have you indeed, Miss Kenton?'
 'I regret to say I have, Mr Stevens. The evening before last I watched your father proceeding very slowly towards the dining room with his tray, and I am afraid I observed clearly a large drop on the end of his nose dangling over the soup bowls. I would not have thought such a style of waiting a great stimulant to appetite.'


*Have you indeed? ~とはどういう?何の事です?[emphasis]  ※実際は何を言ったのか?と言う意味で、前の発言の先を促す
*nothing short of sth ~以外の何ものでもない、~でなかったら何であろうか
*dangle ぶら下がる
*stimulant 刺激物


 But now that I think further about it, I am not sure Miss Kenton spoke quite so boldly that day. We did, of course, over the years of working closely together come to have some very frank exchanges, but the afternoon I am recalling was still early in our relationship and I cannot see even Miss Kenton having been so forward. I am not sure she could actually have gone so far as to say things like: 'these errors may be trivial in themselves, but you must yourself realize their larger significance'.


*go so far as to say sth ~とまで言ってのける [emphasis]
*forward adj. 人があけすけに物を言う、ぐいぐい来る

In fact, now that I come to think of it, I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room. By that time, the situation as regards my father had changed significantly following his fall.







The study doors are those that face one as one comes down the great staircase. There is outside the study today a glass cabinet displaying various of Mr Farraday's ornaments, but throughout Lord Darlington's days, these stood at that spot a bookshelf containing many volumes of encyclopedia, including a complete set of the Britannica.


★Mr Farraday ミスター・ファラデー:現在のスティーブンズの雇い主でダーリントンホールの主。アメリカ人の実業家。プロローグで登場。
★Lord Darlington ダーリントン卿:ミスター・ファラデーの前のダーリントンホールの主で、スティーブンズの前の主人。名前以外ではここで始めて登場。 
Britannica ブリタニカ(大百科事典):かつてはステータスの象徴でもあった百科事典。世界で最も歴史の長い紙の百科事典である。1768年にスコットランドで発行されてから、その後1901年にアメリカに本拠地を移し現在に至る。最後に紙ベースが発行されたのは2010年で、今後はオンラインのみになると発表されている。最初こそ巻数が小さかったものの、その後どんどん内容を増やし、それに伴ってステータスも上がっていった。この回想部分の1920年ごろには既にそのステータスを獲得している。そうとう高価であったことでも有名だったのだが、当時いくらの値段であったのかの文献が見付からない。参考までに編者の記憶では1970年ごろの日本版ブリタニカはフルセットで100万円相当であったと聞いた覚えがある。

It was a ploy of Lord Darlington's to stand at this shelf studying the spines of the encyclopedias as I came down the staircase, and sometimes, to increase the effect of an accidental meeting, he would actually pull out a volume and pretend to be engrossed as I completed my descent. Then, as I passed him, he would say: 'Oh, Stevens, there was something I meant to say to you.' And with that, he would wander back into his study, to all appearances still thoroughly engrossed in the volume held open in his hands. It was invariably embarrassment at what he was about to impart which made Lord Darlington adopt such an approach, and even once the study door was closed behind us, he would often stand by the window and make a show of consulting the encyclopedia throughout our conversation.


*ploy (plɔɪ) 相手の優位に立つための策略
*engrossed in sth ~に夢中になる
*to all appearances  誰がどう見ても、いかにもそうだという風に ※見た限りではそうとしか見えないという意味
It was invariably embarrassment at what he was about to impart which made Lord Darlington adopt such an approach
※このItはit was ... which... の強調構文。whichが指すのは前のwhatあるいはembarrassmentであり、困惑させるような話の内容。
*invariably いつも変わるところなく、例外なく
*impart ~を告げる [formal]


 What I am now describing, incidentally, is one of many instances I could relate to you to underline Lord Darlington's essentially shy and modest nature. A great deal of nonsense has been spoken and written in recent years concerning his lordship and the prominent role he came to play in great affairs, and some utterly ignorant reports have had it that he was motivated by egotism or else arrogance. Let me say here that nothing could be further from the truth.


*reports have it that-clause 報道がもっぱら~だと主張する、述べる ※Rumour/Legend has it that などのバリエーションがある。広く皆に流布するものが主語に来る
*nothing could be further from the truth 真実からはほど遠い

It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty. Whatever may be said about his lordship these days - and the great majority of it is, as I say, utter nonsense - I can declare that he was a truly good man at heart, a gentleman through and through, and one I am today proud to have given my best years of service to.


*retiring 内気な、表に出たがらない、遠慮深い
*a good man at heart 根っからの善人
*through and through 天辺からつま先まで、根っから、究極に
💬世間では悪評が高いけど、スティーブンズは慕ってたんだね。そのgreat affairs(重大事件)でのprominent role(顕著な役割)っていうのが悪評の原因みたいだな。なにをやらかしてしまったのか分からんけど。


 On the particular afternoon to which I am referring his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties; but as I recall, his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years. He barely glanced up from his volume as he asked:
 'Your father feeling better now, Stevens?'


*stoop 曲がった腰 ※権威の失墜を暗示させる単語でもある
*pronounced 著しい、非常に目に付く

 'I'm glad to say he has made a full recovery, sir.'
 'Jolly pleased to hear that. Jolly pleased.'
 'Thank you, sir.'
 'Look here, Stevens, have these been any - well - signs at all? I means signs to tell us your father may be wishing his burden lightened somewhat? Apart from this business of him falling, I mean.'
 'As I say, sir, my father appears to have made a full recovery and I believe he is still a person of considerable dependability. It is true one or two errors have been noticeable recently in the discharging of his duties, but these are in every case very trivial in nature.'


*Jolly pleased 重畳(ちょうじょう)だ、それは喜ばしい、結構なことだ [British, old-fashioned] ※日本語の重畳のように一時はよく使われたのだが、今はかなり古めかしい表現。日本で重畳が使われていたのは戦後くらいなので、Jolly pleasedが使われていた時代とほぼ被る
*apart from sth ~はもっての外で [British] ※Britishでは[except for以外に]の意だけでなく、[~どころかもっと~でも]という意味にも使う。もっと程度の強いものが並列に来る。ここで言うと、倒れる様な仕事どころか、もっと軽いのでもダメだと言う意味。[British]ではaside fromでも同じ使い方をする。
*one's discharging duties 職務の遂行 ※discharge one's duties 職務を遂行する

 'But none of us wish to see anything of that sort happen ever again, do we? I mean, your father collapsing and all that.'
 'Indeed not, sir.'
 'And of course, if it can happen out on the lawn, it could happen anywhere. And at any time.'
 'Yes, sir.'
 'It could happen, say, during dinner while your father was waiting at table.'
 'It is possible, sir.'


*collapse 過労で倒れる、衰弱して倒れる
*and all that = and so on あれやらなにやら [informal]

 'Look here, Stevens, the first of the delegates will be arriving here in less than a fortnight.'
 'We are well prepared, sir.'
 'What happens within this house after that may have considerable repercussions.'
 'Yes, sir.'
 'I mean considerable repercussions. On the whole course Europe is taking. In view of the persons who will be present, I do not think I exaggerate.'
 'No, sir.'
 'Hardly the time for taking on avoidable hazards.'
 'Indeed not, sir.'


*delegate n.(ˈdɛlɪɡət) 使節団 ※v.(ˈdɛlɪˌɡt)
*repercussions 後々まで残る(悪い)影響
take on sth ~の様相を帯びる、呈する
★'No, sir.'/ 'Indeed not, sir'
💬例の使節団て何だろう?great affairs 大事件と何か関係あるのかな?

 'Look here, Stevens, there's no question of your father leaving us. You're simply being asked to reconsider his duties.'
And it was then, I believe, that his lordship said as he looked down again into his volume and awkwardly fingered an entry: 'These errors may be trivial in themselves, Stevens, but you must yourself realize their larger significance. Your father's days of dependability are now passing. He must not be asked to perform takes in any area where an error might jeopardize the success of our forthcoming conference.'
 'Indeed not, sir.'
 'Good. I'll leave you to think about it then, Stevens.'


*there's no question of doing sth ~がこれから起きる事はあり得ない(no possibility) ※現状を説明する際に[~に疑いの余地はない(no doubt)]と言う意味でも使う。これからある事が問われることはない→no possibility、現状が問われる事はない→no doubtという違いなのだが、今の事なのか未来の事なのかで意味がほぼ真逆になるので注意。
*jeopardize 危険に晒す ※名詞はjeopardyフランス語のeven perから来ている。チェスなどのゲームが拮抗する状態(危ない状況)のこと。
These errors may be trivial in themselves, Stevens, but you must yourself realize their larger significance.


 Load Darlington, I should say, had actually witnessed my father's fall of a week or so earlier. His lordship had been entertaining two guests, a young lady and gentleman, in the summerhouse, and had watched my father's approach across the lawn bearing a much welcome tray of refreshments. The lawn climes a slope several yards in front to of the summerhouse, and in those days, as today, four flagstones embedded into the grass served as steps by which to negotiate this climb. It was in the vicinity of these steps that my father fell, scattering the load on his tray - teapot, cups, saucers, sandwiches, cakes - across the area of grass at the top of the steps.


*refreshments 軽食
*1 yard = 0.91 meters
*flagstone 芝生などの通路に敷いてある薄い敷石
*negotiate (nɪˈɡəʊʃɪˌeɪt) 場所をうまくやり過ごす、通り過ぎる ※発音注意、ネゴゥシエイト

By the time I had received the alarm and gone out, his lordship and his guests had laid my father on his side, a cushion and a rug from the summerhouse serving as pillow and blanket. My father was unconscious and his face looked an oddly grey colour. Dr Meredith had already been sent for, but his lordship was of the view that my father should be moved out of the sun before the doctor's arrival; consequently, a bath-chair arrived and with not a little difficulty, my father was transported into the house. But the time Dr Meredith arrived, he had revived considerably and the doctor soon left again making only vague statements to the effect that my father had perhaps been 'over-working'.


*Meredith メレディス ※ウェルシュ地方(ウェールズの一地域)の名前で男女どちらにもある。ちょっと堅苦しい雰囲気を持つ名前。
bath chair (旧式の)車いす:三輪車タイプの車いすで、お風呂は関係ない。最初に考案された時の英国のBathという街が名前の由来。大きい乳母車のような形状で、折り畳み式の幌がついている。人が押す、或いは4輪にしてロバなどに牽かせて使用した。
*But the time Dr Meredith arrived,... 結局メレディス先生が到着するまでに ※このButは結局~に終わったという様な結論を引っ張るButで、ほぼ逆説の意味がない。基本文頭に来る。


 The whole episode was clearly a great embarrassment to my father, and by the time of that conversation in Lord Darlington's study, he had long since returned to busying himself as much as ever. The question of how one could broach the topic of reducing his responsibilities was not, then, an easy one. My difficulty was further compounded by the fact that for some years my father and I had tended - for some reason I have never really fathomed - to converse less and less. So much so that after his arrival at Darlington Hall, even the brief exchanges necessary to communicate information relating to work took place in an atmosphere of mutual embarrassment.


*be compound 酷い事柄が一層度を増す、更にひどくなる
*fathom (ˈfæðəm) vt. 心の中を推し量る ※fathomは深さを測るという動詞
*so much so that そういう訳なので、~であった ※thatの後ろには、前述の内容を具体的に説明するくだりが続く。


 In the end, I judged the best option to be to talk in the privacy of his room, thus giving him the opportunity to ponder his new situation in solitude once I took my leave. The only times my father could be in his room were first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Choosing the former, I climbed up to his small attic room at the top of the servants' wing early one morning and knocked gently.


*in solitude 一人きりで落ち着いて
*first thing in the morning 朝いちばん
*last thing at night 夜最後、就寝前





I had rarely had reason to enter my father's room prior to this occasion and I was newly struck by the smallness and starkness of it. In deed, I recall my impression at the time was of having stepped into a prison cell, but the this might have had as much to do with the pale early light as with the size of the room or the bareness of its walls.


*have reason to do ~する(尤もな、一般的な、漠然とした)理由がある ※have a reasonとなると具体的な理由があるという意味になる。傾向として、最初に話題に挙げる際にはhave reasonになり、その後もう一度それを取り上げる時にはhave a reasonになり易い。また気持的にそう感じるという場合にもhave reasonと冠詞が付かない傾向があり、具体的な理由がある場合にhave a reason となる。
*starkness 極端に簡素で何もない様
★my impression at the time was of having stepped into a prison cell
be of sth は~に属する、~から生み出されるという意味で、牢獄に踏み入れた時と同じ感覚を持ったと言う意味。牢獄の様に感じたより意味が強く、牢獄そのものだと思ったということ。

For my father had opened his curtains and was sitting, shaved and in full uniform, on the edge of his bed from where evidently he had been watching the sky turn to dawn. At least one assumed he had been watching the sky, there being little else to view from his small window other than roof-tiles and guttering. The oil lamp beside his bed had been extinguished, and when I saw my father glance disapprovingly at the lamp I had brought to guide me up the rickety staircase, I quickly lowered the wick. Having done this, I noticed all the more the effect of the pale light coming into the room and the way it lit up the edges of my father's craggy lined, still awesome features.

そう、 父はカーテンを開けて座っていたのである、髭を整え、ユニフォームをキッチリと着こみ、ベッドの端で夜が明けていく空の様子を眺めながら。いや、そのはずだろうと言うべきか、どうして父が空を眺めていたはずだと思ったかと言えば、その部屋の小さな窓からは、屋根瓦と雨どいの他にはそれくらいしか見るべきものがなかったからである。ベッド脇のオイルランプは消えていた、そして、今にも壊れそうな作りの階段を上がる為に私が持って来たランプに対し、父が難色を示したのを見て、私は急いでその芯を下げた。そうすることで、なお一層部屋に入って来る光が青白く感じられ、父の顔の輪郭をより際立たせていた、深く刻まれた皺と、今なお威厳のあるその顔つきを。

*at least というか~というべきか、だったはずというか。※前の話に付け足してニュアンスを補足する時に使う。このat leastは不確実性を強調しているだけで少なくともの意味がない
*guttering 雨どい(というシステム) ※gutteringはgutters(雨どい)によって作られる水はけシステム全体を指す語で、uncountableであることに注意
*rickety ぐらぐらする、今にも壊れそうな作りの
*all the more なお一層
*craggy lined 深く刻まれた皺 ※craggyはごつごつした岩のようなと言う意味で、彫りの深い顔にも使う

 'Ah,' I said, and gave a short laugh, 'I might have known Father would be up and ready for the day.'
 'I've been up for the past three hours,' he said, looking me up and down rather coldly.
 'I hope Father is not being kept awake by his arthritic troubles.'
 'I get all the sleep I need.'



 My father reached forward to the only chair in the room, a small wooden one, and placing both hands on its back brought himself to his feet. When I saw him stood upright before me, I could not be sure to what extent he was hunched over due to infirmity and what extent due to the habit of accommodating the steeply sloped ceiling


*bring oneself to one's feet 自分を立ち上がらせる
*hunch over 背中を丸めて前かがみになる
*infirmity 加齢による衰え [formal]
*accommodate 収納する、入れる ※普通は泊めるという意味だが、ここでは大きな体を収納するという意味

 'I have come here to relate something to you, Father.'
 'Then relate it briefly and concisely. I haven't all morning to listen to you chatter.'
 'In that case, Father, I will come straight to the point.'
 'Come to the point then and be done with it. Some of us have work to be getting on with.'


★[British English のhave]
I haven't to do = I mustn't do ~すること罷りならぬ。[British, formal, old-fashioned]
※don't have to とは意味が違うことに注意。この表現は過去形hadn't doで使う事の方が圧倒的に多い。たぶん現在形はmustn't doと言えばいいからだと思われる。[British]ではこれ以外にも don't haveをhaven't と表す事がある。 e.g. I haven't a revolver. 銃を持っていない。但し[old-fashioned]
*get on with sth ~をどんどん進める

 'Very well. Since you wish me to be brief, I will do my best to comply. The fact is, Father has become increasingly infirm. So much so that even the duties of an under-butler are now beyond his capabilities. His lordship is of the view, as indeed I am myself, that while Father is allowed to continue with his present round of duties, he represents an ever-present threat to the smooth running of this household, and in particular to next week's important international gathering.'


*very well 了解です [formulae] ※形式的な返事。納得していなくても使う。
*comply vi. (ルールなどに)応じる、従う
*capability 実際的に仕事をこなす能力、質と量、両面で仕事をこなせる能力 ※abilityはできるできないという〇か×かの能力で、質とか量は関係ない。ここではabilityはあってもそれをこなせるcapabilityが落ちていて、執事補未満であると言っている。
*represent (様相、状態)を呈する [formal]
*ever-present threat 常に存在する脅威
*household 使用人も含めた館の全員


 My father's face, in the half-light, betrayed no emotion whatsoever.
 'Principally,' I continued, 'it has been felt that Father should no longer be asked to wait at table, whether or not guests are present.'
 'I have waited at table every day for the last fifty-four years,' my father remarked, his voice perfectly unhurried.
 'Furthermore, it has been decided that Father should not carry laden trays of any sort for even the shortest distances. In view of these limitations, and knowing Father's esteem for conciseness, I have listed here the revised round of duties he will from now on be expected to perform.


*half-light 薄明り
*betray 意に反して感情を表に出す
*no... whatsoever 一切の...もなく ※whatsoeverはwhateverの強調
*principally 何よりもまず、まず第一に ※他よりこれが重要という意味
*it is felt that ~であると思われる [formal] ※かなり持って回った表現。簡潔にとは言ったものの気を使ったのだと思われる。
*unhurried ゆったりとした
*it is decided that ~であることが決定されました、~という事になりました [formal] ※これも持って回った表現。
*revise (rɪˈvaɪz) 改訂する
*round of duties 日常業務


 I felt disinclined actually to hand to him the piece of paper I was holding, and so put it down on the end of his bed. My father glanced at it then returned his gaze to me. There was still no trace of emotion discernible in his expression, and his hands on the back of the chair appeared perfectly relaxed. Hunched over or not, it was impossible not to be reminded of the sheer impact of his physical presence - the very same that had once reduced two drunken gentlemen to sobriety in the back of a car.


*be disinclined (ˌdɪsɪnˈklaɪnd) to do sth ~するのに気が進まない [formal]
*sheer impact 強烈な圧迫感
*reduce sb to sth 人を~な状態に陥れる
*sobriety (səʊˈbraɪətɪ) シラフの状態、すっかり酔いの冷めた状態 [formal] ※soberの名詞

Eventually he said:
 'I only fell that time because of those steps. They're crooked. Seamus should be told to put those right before someone else does the same thing.'
 'Indeed. In any case, may I be assured Father will study that sheet?'
 'Seamus should be told to put those steps right. Certainly before these gentlemen start arriving from Europe.'
 'Indeed. Well, Father, good morning.'


*crooked (ˈkrʊkɪd) (本来真直ぐな物が)湾曲した
★Seamus シェイマス ※アイルランド系の名前。Jamesのアイルランド形


 That summer evening referred to by Miss Kenton in her letter came very soon after that encounter - indeed, it may have been the evening of that same day. I cannot remember just what purpose had taken me up on to the top floor of the house to where the row of guest bedrooms line the corridor. But as I think I have said already, I can recall vividly the way the last of the daylight was coming through each open doorway and falling across the corridor in orange shafts. As I walked on past those unused bedrooms, Miss Kenton's figure, a silhouette against a window within one of them, had called to me.


💬はぁー、なんとも美しい情景だなぁ。これが題名の「The Remeins of the Day あの昔日の残照」なのだろうか?


 When One thinks about it, when one remembers the way the Miss Kenton had repeatedly spoken to me of my father during those early days of her time at Darlington Hall, it is little wonder that the memory of that evening should have stayed with her all of these years. No doubt, she was feeling a certain sense of guilt as the two of us watched from our window my father's figure down below. The shadows of the poplar trees had fallen across much of the lawn, but the sun was still lighting up the far corner where the grass sloped up to the summerhouse.



My father could be seen standing by those four stone steps, deep in thought. A breeze was slightly disturbing his hair. Then, as we watched, he walked very slowly up the steps. At the top, he turned and came back down, a little faster. Turning once more, my father became still again for several seconds, contemplating the steps before him. Eventually, he climbed them a second time, very deliberately. This time he continued on across the grass until he had almost reached the summerhouse, then turned and came walking slowly back his eyes never leaving the ground. In fact, I can describe his manner at that moment no better than the way Miss Kenton puts it in her letter; it was indeed 'as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there.'







But I see I am becoming preoccupied with these memories and this is perhaps a little foolish. This present trip represents, after all, a rare opportunity for me to savour to the full the many splendours of the English countryside, and I know I shall greatly regret it later if I allow myself to become unduly diverted. In fact, I notice I have yet to record here anything of my journey to this city - aside from mentioning briefly that halt on the hillside road at the very start of it. This is an omission indeed, given how much I enjoyed yesterday's motoring.


*savour (ˈseɪvə) 趣を堪能する、ゆっくり味わう ※ラテン語の味から来ていてちょっと難易度の高い語
*to the full 心ゆくまで
*represent 物事が~を象徴する、物事の意義は~である
*unduly 甚だしく
*divert (daɪˈvɜːt) vt. 注意を他へ向ける、~を横道に逸らさせる ※AEでは(dɪˈvɜːrt)
*given SV ~を鑑みるに、~を考慮するに ※もとは分詞構文だがほぼ前置詞か接続詞的に用いられる、用法も意味もconsideringとほぼ同じ
*omission 怠慢 ※あるべきモノが抜け落ちている事。意図的であれば怠慢、事故であれば脱落。どちらでも使う


 I had planned the journey here to Salisbury with considerable care, avoiding almost entirely the major roads; the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some, but then it was one that enabled me to take in a fair number of the sights recommended by Mrs. J. Symons in her excellent volumes, and I must say I was well pleased with it. For much of the time it took me through farmland, amidst the pleasant aroma of meadows, and often I found myself slowing the Ford to a crawl to better appreciate a stream or a valley I was passing. But as I recall, I did not actually disembark again until I was quite near Salisbury.


*circuitous 回り道の
*the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some ※このsomeは人を指している。
*a crawl 車の徐行運転


 On that occasion, I was moving down a long, straight road with wide meadows on either side of me. In fact, the land had become very open and flat at that point, enabling one to see a considerable distance in all directions, and the spire of Salisbury Cathedral had become visible on the skyline up ahead. A tranquil mood had come over me, and for this reason I believe I was again motoring very slowly - probably at no more than fifteen miles per hour. This was just as well, for I saw only just in time a hen crossing my path in the most leisurely manner. I brought the Ford to a halt only a foot or two from the fowl, which in turn ceased its journey, pausing there in the road in front of me. When after a moment it had not moved, I resorted to the car horn, but this had no effect other than to make the creature commence pecking at something on the ground. Rather exasperated, I began to get out and had one foot still on the running board when I heard a woman's voice call:
 'Oh, I do beg your pardon, sir.'


*no more than~ ほんの~で [emphasis] ※とても少ないことの強調
*15 mile per hour = 24.14 km/h
*just as well ちょうど運のいい
*leisurely のんびりとした
*fowl 家禽、鶏
*only a foot or two ほんの1、2フィート ※1 foot = 30.48 cm, 2 feet = 60.96 cm
*commence を開始する [formal]
*exasperated (ɪɡˈzɑːspəˌreɪt) 憤慨して
★running board ランニング・ボード:車に乗る時に足をかけるステップ。当時の自動車は現代のものより座席が高かったためステップがあった。


 Glancing round, I saw I had just passed on the roadside a farm cottage - from which a young woman in an apron, her attention no doubt aroused by the horn, had come running. Passing me, she swooped up the hen in her arms and proceeded to cradle it as she apologized to me again. When I assured her no harm had been done, she, she said:
 'I do thank you for stopping and not running poor Nellie over. She's a good girl, provides us with the largest eggs you've ever seen. It's so good of you to stop. And you were probably in a hurry too.'
 'Oh, I'm not in a hurry at all,' I said with a smile. 'For the first time in many a year, I'm able to take my time and I must say, it's rather an enjoyable experience. I'm just motoring for the pleasure of it, you see.'


*many a year = many years ※古い文学的な表現、many a sg. noun = many pl. noun

 'Oh, that's nice, sir. And you're on your way to Salisbury, I expect.'
 'I am indeed. In fact, that's the cathedral we can see over there, isn't it? I'm told it's a splendid building.'
 'Oh, it is, sir, it's very nice. Well, to tell you the truth, I hardly go to Salisbury myself, so I couldn't really say what it's like at close quarters. But I tell you, sir, day in day out we have a view of the steeple from here. Some days, it's too misty and it's like it's vanished altogether. But you can see for yourself, on a fine day like this, it's a nice sight.'
 'I'm so grateful you didn't run over our Nellie, sir. Three years ago a tortoise of ours got killed that and on just about this very spot. We were all very upset over that.'
 'How very tragic,' I said, sombrely.


*day in day out 毎日毎日、繰り返し ※長い期間変わらず繰り返されるという表現
*sombrely (ˈsɑmbərli) 沈痛な面持ちで

 'Oh, it was, sir. Some people say we farm people get used to animals being hurt or killed, but that's just not true. My little boy cried for days. It's so good you stopped for Nellie, sir. If you'd care to come in for a cup of tea, now that you've got out and everything, you'd be most welcome. It would set you on your way.'
 'That's most kind, but really, I feel I should continue. I'd like to reach Salisbury in good time to take a look at the city's many charms.'
 'Indeed, sir. Well, thank you again.'


*If you'd care to do ~するのはいかがかしら [politeness] ※丁寧に~したいかと尋ねるフレーズ
*care to do sth ~したいと思う
★now that you've got out and everything, だってもうほとんど車から降りてしまわれたようなものじゃない、
*now that SV もう~しちゃったんだから、こうなったら
*and everything とかなんとか [informal] ※曖昧にそんな感じのと付け足す時に使う。名詞の後が多いが、動詞でも構わない
*set you on your way 旅の英気を養う、旅に向けて元気が出る
★I fell I should continue この先に向かわねばと思っておりまして ※このcontinueは旅とかで一回止まってまた先に向かうという自動詞


 I set off again, maintaining for some reason - perhaps because I expected further farm creatures to wander across my path - my slow speed of before. I must say, something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits; the simple kindness I had been thanked for, and the simple kindness I had been offered in return, caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days. It was in such a mood, then, that I proceeded here to Salisbury.


*feel uplifted 幸せな気持ちになる


 But I feel I should return just a moment to the matter of my father; for it strikes me I may have given the impression earlier that I treated him rather bluntly over his declining abilities. The fact is, there was little choice but to approach the matter as I did - as I am sure you will agree once I have explained the full context of those days. That is to say, the important international conference to take place at Darlington Hall was by then looming ahead of us, leaving little room for indulgence or 'beating about the bush'. It is important to be reminded, moreover, that although Darlington Hall was to witness many more events of equal gravity over the fifteen or so years that followed, that conference of March 1923 was the first of them; one was, one supposes, relatively inexperienced, and inclined to leave little to chance.


*It strikes me that ~と言う考えが頭に浮かぶ
*bluntly 無遠慮に
★The fact is, there was little choice but to approach the matter as I did - as I am sure you will agree once I have explained the full context of those days.
*explain the full context 状況を全て説明する ※contextは理解を助けるための前後の文脈
*indulgence 失敗などを大目に見る事、甘やかすこと
*beat around the bush 藪の周りをつつく→遠まわしに物を言う ※藪蛇(やぶへび)と混同しないよう注意。あれは余計な事をするの意で日本の諺である
*that is to say つまり、どういうことかと申せば[formal] ※これの省略形がthat is
*many more = much greater in number (adj.) かなり多くの数の
★; one was, one supposes, relatively inexperienced, and inclined to leave little to chance.
※元はone supposes one was relatively inexperiencedという文で、oneは一般的な人を指している
*;(セミコロン) = that is つまりは
*one supposes = presumably 思うに、人が当然考える事には
*inexperienced 経験の浅い
*leave little to chance その場の運に任せる事はほぼ残さない→出来る事はほぼ準備し切る
※leave nothing to chance = to prepare for everything possible このchanceは賭けに出るという動詞

In fact, I often look back to that conference and, for more than one reason, regard it as a turning point in my career when I truly came of age as a butler. That is not to say I consider I became necessarily, a 'great' butler; it is hardly for me, in any case, to make judgements of this sort. But should it be that anyone ever wished to posit that I have attained at least a little of that crucial quality of 'dignity' in the course of my career, such a person may wish to be directed towards that conference of March 1923 as representing the moment when I demonstrated I might have a capacity for such a quality.


*come of age 機が熟す (it reaches an important stage of development and is accepeted by a large number of people)
★But should it be that anyone ever wished to posit that I have attained at least a little of that crucial quality of 'dignity' in the course of my career, such a person may wish to be directed towards that conference of March 1923 as representing the moment when I demonstrated I might have a capacity for such a quality.
*should it be that = if it should be that ~ということが万が一あったならば
※倒置の仮定法、shouldは実現可能性が低いなりにもあることを示す。ここではスティーブンズの謙虚な表現だが、それなりの自負があることも垣間見える表現。同じ仮定法でも、if it were thatは、話者が可能性はゼロだと思うような事例に使う。If I were you 僕が君だったら、など。
*posit という前提で話を進める [formal]
*you may wish to do ~なさると良いでしょう。※丁寧な提案
*be directed at/towards sth 関心が~に向けられる→関心を~に向ける
*represent sth ~を象徴する、分かりやすく示す、表す

It was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one's development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one's ability and beyond, so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself. That conference was also memorable, of course, for other quite separate reasons, as I would like now to explain.


★It was one of those events which (at a crucial stage in one's development) arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one's ability and beyond, so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself.
※抽象的で分かりにくいがこの文は強調構文ではない。which arriveもto challenge以下もeventsを修飾している。
*It = the conference
★That conference was also memorable, of course, for other quite separate reasons, as I would like now to explain.
*, as I would like to explain ※このasは前文全体を先行詞とする関係代名詞で、explainの目的語


The conference of 1923 was the culmination of long planning on the part of Lord Darlington; indeed, in retrospect, one can see clearly how his lordship had been moving towards this point from three years or so before. As I recall, he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War, and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty, but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann.


*the culmination of sth ~の集大成、絶頂
*on the part of person 誰それの立場からすると、誰それにしてみれば ※他の人から見ればそうじゃなかったとしてもというニュアンスがある
*in retrospect 振り返って見れば ※retrospect(ˈrɛtrəʊˌspɛkt)は追憶で、対義語はprospect 予見。in hindsight(今にして思えば)とは違い、単に振り返っているだけ。
*be preoccupied with sth ~に夢中になる、心奪われる、頭を占領される ※be occupied withは~に従事する
★Great War 世界大戦:1914-1918の第一次世界大戦のこと。大英帝国は勝利し、ドイツ帝国は敗北
★the peace treaty 平和条約:第一次世界大戦の終結後に戦勝国各国と敗戦国であるドイツとの間に結ばれた「ベルサイユ平和条約 Treaty of Versaiiles」の事。非常にドイツに過酷な条約で、法外な賠償金をドイツに課せたために、ドイツは強烈なハイパー・インフレ(ドイツ国内では物価が実に一兆倍になった)を起こし、それが第二次世界大戦を呼び込む原因になってしまったもの。賠償金(reparations)は132 billion gold marks、現在の日本円に換算して約200兆円。実に当時のドイツの「国民総生産」の2~3年分、国家予算の約20年分。払えるわけがない。調印に同席した経済学者のケインズは、彼の計算を遥かに超えた賠償金に「これではまた世界大戦になる」と零したと言われる。ドイツに積年の恨みを抱いていたフランスが主に主導したと見られている。
*his interest was prompted by sth 彼の好奇心が~に駆られる
*Herr Bremann ブレマン様 ※Herrはドイツ語で、英語のMr.にあたる


 Herr Bremann first visited Darlington Hall very shortly after the war while still in his officer's uniform, and it was evident to any observer that he and Lord Darlington had struck up a close friendship. This did not surprise me, since one could see at a glance that Herr Bremann was a gentleman of great decency.


*strike up a friendship 親交を結ぶ

He returned again, having left the German army, at fairly regular intervals during the following two years, and one could not help noticing with some alarm the deterioration he underwent from one visit to the next. His clothes became increasingly impoverished, his frame thinner; a hunted look appeared in his eyes, and on his last visits, he would spend long periods staring into space, oblivious of his lordship's presence or, sometimes, even of having been addressed. I would have concluded Herr Bremann was suffering from some serious illness, but for certain remarks his lordship made at that time assuring me this was not so.


*fairly regular interval かなり定期的に
*undergo 辛い事などを経験する
*from one visit to the next 一回の訪問から次の訪問へ
*impoverished 人を貧乏くさくする
*his frame thinner 骨格が細くなってゆき
*hunted look 怯えの宿る眼差し ※狩られるものの目という意味
*address ※英米でアクセントの位置が違う。英では名詞も動詞も(əˈdrɛs)で後ろにアクセントがある。米では動詞(əˈdrɛs)だが、名詞は(ˈæˌdrɛs)で前にアクセントが来る。


 It must have been towards the end of 1920 that Lord Darlington made the first of a number of trips to Berlin himself, and I can remember the profound effect it had on him. A heavy air of preoccupation hung over him for days after his return, and I recall once, in reply to my inquiring how he had enjoyed his trip, his remarking: 'Disturbing, Stevens. Deeply disturbing. It does us great discredit to treat a defeated foe like this. A complete break with the traditions of this country.'


*profound effect 甚大な影響、深い影響 ※profoundの語源はラテン語profundusで底へ向かって
*preoccupation 何かが頭を占領する事、何かの考えに憑りつかれること
*inquire (ɪnkwάɪɚ)お尋ねるする [formal]
*disturbing 不穏な、不安を起こさせるような
*do us discredit 我々に不信感を与える ※do O₁ O₂ 目1に目2を与える、discredit 不信感
*defeated foe 敗北した敵(かたき)


 But there is another memory that has remained with me very vividly in relation to this matter. Today, the old banqueting hall no longer contains a table and that spacious room, with its high and magnificent ceiling, serves Mr Farraday well as a sort of gallery. But in his lordship's day, that room was regularly required, as was the long table that occupied it, to seat thirty or more guests for dinner; in fact, the banqueting hall is so spacious that when necessity demanded almost fifty to be seated. On normal days, of course, Lord Darlington took his meals, as does Mr Farraday today, in the more intimate atmosphere of the dining room, which is ideal for accommodating up to a dozen.


*intimate 部屋などが落ち着ける、くつろげる
*accommodate 部屋などが人を収容する

But on that particular winter's night I am recollecting the dining room was for some reason out of use, and Lord Darlington was dining with a solitary guest - I believe it was Sir Richard Fox, a colleague from his lordship's Foreign Office days - in the vastness of the banqueting hall. You will no doubt agree that the hardest of situations as regards dinner-waiting is when there are just two diners present.


★Foreign Office イギリス外務省:1968年までは独立した省だったが、現在は合併してThe Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office 外務・英連邦・開発省になっている
*as regards ~の点では
*diner (ˈdaɪnə) = a person who has dinner

I would myself much prefer to wait on just one diner, even if he were a total stranger. It is when there are two diners present, even when one of them is one's own employer, that one finds it most difficult to achieve that balance between attentiveness and the illusion of absence that is essential to good waiting; it is in this situation that one is rarely free of the suspicion that one's presence is inhibiting the conversation.


*attentiveness 行き届いた気配りを与える事
*inhibit 妨げる


 On that occasion, much of the room was in darkness, and the two gentlemen were sitting side by side midway down the table - it being much too broad to allow them to sit facing one another - within the pool of light cast by the candles on the table and the crackling hearth opposite. I decided to minimize my presence by standing in the shadows much further away from table than I might usually have done.


Of course, this strategy had a distinct disadvantage in that each time I moved towards the light to serve the gentlemen, my advancing footsteps would echo long and loud before I reached the table, drawing attention to my impending arrival in the most ostentatious manner; but it did have the great merit of making my person only partially visible while I remained stationary.


*impending 今にも起こりそうな、差し迫った [formal]
*ostentatious これみよがしに大袈裟な振る舞いの [formal, disapproval]

And it was as I was standing like that, in the shadows some distance from where the two gentlemen sat amidst those rows of empty chairs, that I heard Lord Darlington talk about Herr Bremann, his voice as calm and gentle as usual, somehow resounding with intensity around those great walls.


*with intensity 強烈に、強烈さをもって


 'He was my enemy,' he was saying, 'but he always behaved like a gentleman. We treated each other decently over six months of shelling each other. He was a gentleman doing his job and I bore him no malice. I said to him: "Look here, we're enemies now and I'll fight you with all I've got. But when this wretched business is over, we shan't have to be enemies any more and we'll have a drink together." Wretched thing is, this treaty is making a liar out of me. I mean to say, I told him we wouldn't be enemies once it was all over. But how can I look him in the face and tell him that's turned out to be true?'


*shell 砲撃する
*wretched 見下げ果てた、あさましい [formal, emphasis]
*Wretched thing is, SV 最悪な事にはSVだ
*make a liar out of me 状況が人を嘘を吐かざるを得ない状態に追い込む→私は嘘を吐かなければならない状況に追い込まれた


 And it was a little later that same night that his lordship said with some gravity, shaking his head: 'I fought that war to preserve justice in this world. As far as I understood, I wasn't taking part in a vendetta against the German race.'


*a vendetta 積年の恨みから来る血で血を洗う復讐


 And when today one hears talk about his lordship, when one hears the sort of foolish speculations concerning his motives as one does all too frequently these days, I am pleased to recall the memory of that moment as he spoke those heartfelt words in the near-empty banqueting hall. Whatever complications arose in his lordship's course over subsequent years, I for one will never doubt that a desire to see 'justice in this world' lay at the heart of all his actions.


*speculations 人の性質やこれから起こることなどへの勝手な憶測
*motive (ˈməʊtɪv)
*as one does 典型的に人がそうするように


 It was not long after that evening there came the sad news that Herr Bremann had shot himself in a train between Hamburg and Berlin. Naturally, his lordship was greatly commiserations to Frau Bremann. However, after several days of endeavour, in which I myself did my best to assist, his lordship was not able to discover the whereabouts of any of Herr Bremann's family. He had, it seemed, been homeless for some time and his family dispersed.


*commiserations 弔意、人の不幸を悼む気持ち
*endeavour 懸命な尽力 [formal]
*whereabouts (ˈwɛərəˌbaʊts) 所在 ※疑問副詞の時は後ろにアクセントが来る


 It is my belief that even without this tragic news, Lord Darlington would have set upon the course he took; his desire to see an end to injustice and suffering was too deeply ingrained in his nature for him to have done otherwise. As it was, in the weeks that followed Herr Bremann's death, his lordship began to devote more and more hours to the matter of the crisis in Germany.


*ingrained 人の習慣などがそうそう変わらない、人に深く根付いた ※from "dye in the grain"、kermes(ˈkɜːmɪz)で染め上げるの意。kermesは赤い染料の元になる虫で、穀類の粒に似ているためgrainになったらしい。余談だがkermesは赤いかまぼこの染色にも使われている。
*As it was 文頭に使われると、期待に反してというニュアンスがある ※現在形のas it isでも同じ。期待していたが実際は現状の通り(as it is)という意味。大抵その前に期待を寄せる内容がある。
*crisis (ˈkraɪsɪs) 政治的、経済的危機、特に連続して起こった何かの結果の危機。 ※複数形はcrises(ˈkraɪsiːz)。ギリシャ語なので変則。同様の変則複数形にはoasis-oases, axis-axes (軸), diagnosis-diagnoses (診断), hypothesis-hypoteses (仮定), thesis-theses (命題)、analysis-analyses, paralysis-paralyses (麻痺)、synopsis-synopses (概要)、basis-bases (基礎) などがある

Powerful and famous gentlemen became regular visitors to the house - including, I remember, figures such as Lord Daniels, Mr John Maynard Keynes, and Mr H. G. Wells, the renowned author, as well as others who, because they came 'off the record', I should not name here - and they and his lordship were often to be found locked in discussion for hours on end.


*figures その分野で良く知られた重要人物
★Lord Daniels ダニエルズ卿: 第一次世界大戦の英雄だったHarry Daniels ハリー=ダニエルズがモデルではないかと思われるが、彼は勲章はいくつも貰ったが叙爵はされていないのでLordではない。
John Maynard Kaynes ジョン=メイナード=ケインズ:修正資本主義の祖として有名なイギリスの経済学者。それまでの経済学では政府は市場に介入する術を持たなかったのだが、公共投資で経済をコントロールできるという説を発表し、特にアメリカのニューディール政策に取り入れられたことでも有名。日本の公共投資も基本的にはケインズの理論に基づいている。第一次世界大戦後のベルサイユ条約に同席し、その賠償金のあまりの高さに「これではまた大戦が起きる」と零したと言われている。
H. G. Wells H.G=ウェルズ:「タイムマシン」などの著作で知られる大SF作家。世界戦争に対し一過言を持ち、第一次世界大戦前に執筆した"The War to End War"は第一次世界大戦の標語にもなった。ダーリントン卿の主張にかなり似た思想を持っていた人物で、ダーリントン卿の考えに大きな影響を与えたのかもしれない。
*for hours on end 何時間もぶっ通しで


 Some of the visitors were, in fact, so 'off the record' that I was instructed to make sure the staff did not learn their identities, or in some cases, even glimpse them. However - and I say this with some pride and gratitude - Lord Darlington never make any efforts to conceal things from my own eyes and ears; I can recall on numerous occasions, some personage breaking off in mid-sentence to glance warily towards my person, only for his lordship to say: 'Oh, that's all right. You can say anything in front of Stevens, I can assure you.'


*warily 注意深く


 Steadily, then, over the two years or so following Herr Bremann's death, his lordship, together with Sir David Cardinal, who became his closest ally during that time, succeeded in gathering together a broad alliance of figures who shared the conviction that the situation in Germany should not be allowed to persist.


*conviction 確信 ※convictionには有罪判決と言う意味もある。convict vt. n. 有罪判決を受けた人

These were not only Britons and Germans, but also Belgians, French, Italians, Swiss; they were diplomats and political persons of high rank; distinguished clergymen who felt strongly, like his lordship himself, that fair play had not been done at Versailles and that it was immoral to go on punishing a nation for a war that was now over.


*Swiss スイス人 ※複数形もSwiss。Switzerlandの形容詞形、〇〇人は全て国名の形容詞系
*diplomat 外交官 ※diplomaは卒業証書などの免状。元々の意味はラテン語でfolded doubleで、正式な書類の意
*thinker 思想家、哲学者 ※Rodin の「考える人」もThe Thinker

Others, evidently, showed less concern for Germany or her inhabitants, but were of the opinion that the economic chaos of that country, if not halted, might spread with alarming rapidity to the world at large.


*German and her inhabitants ※国と船は慣習的に女性名詞扱いするが、現在ではちょっと詩文的
*be of the opinion that = believe or maintain that ※be of sthは主語の本質が~であるという表現で、形容詞の様な働きをする
*the world at large 世界全般、全体 ※at large は名詞のあとに来て、名詞全体と言う意味になる


 By the turn of 1922, his lordship was working with a clear goal in mind. This was to gather under the very roof of Darlington Hall the most influential of the gentlemen whose support had been won with a view to conducting an 'unofficial' international conference - a conference that would discuss the means by which the harshest terms of the Versailles treaty could be revised.


*the turn 時代の変わり目、節目
★This was to gather under the very roof of Darlington Hall the most influential of the gentlemen [whose support had been won] with a view to conducting an 'unofficial' international conference
*with a view to doing ~することを期待して
*terms 支払い条件、要求額、同意条件
*revise (rɪˈvaɪz) 修正する

To be worthwhile, any such conference would have to be of sufficient weight so that it could have a decisive effect on the 'official' international conferences - several of which had already taken place with the express purpose of reviewing the treaty, but which had succeeded in producing only confusion and bitterness.


*be of sufficent/enough weight to do/so that ~するだけの十分な重みのある
*express (adj.) 明白な
*succeed in doing 結果として~するに至る ※いい結果とは限らない

Our Prime Minister of that time, Mr Lloyd George, had called for another great conference to be held in Italy in the spring of 1922, and initially his lordship's aim was to organize a gathering at Darlington Hall with a view to ensuring a satisfactory outcome to this event. For all the hard work on his and Sir David's part, however, this proved too harsh a deadline; but then with Mr George's conference ending yet again in indecision, his lordship set his sights on a further great conference scheduled to take place in Switzerland that following year.


Lloyd Geaoge ロイド=ジョージ:第一次世界大戦時の英国首相。ここで問題のヴェルサイユ条約に調印した人物でもある。ロイド=ジョージは賠償金を確実に課すべきの姿勢をとっていて、少なく抑えようとしたアメリカのウィルソン大統領とは対立していた。実際、算定賠償額はドイツに払いきれない額であることは誰もが分かっていて、それでもなお金額を下げない意見が大勢を占めていた。
*with a view to doing ~することを期待して ※特に別の結果を生むことを期待して何かをする際に使う


 I can remember one morning around this time bringing Lord Darlington coffee in the breakfast room, and his saying to me as he folded The Times with some disgust: 'Frenchmen. Really, I mean to say, Stevens. Frenchmen.'
 'Yes, sir.'


The Times タイムズ紙:1785年から刊行されているイギリスの主要新聞。多くの新聞がこの名称に倣ったために、ニューヨーク=タイムズなど似た名前の新聞が世界各地にある。俗にロンドン=タイムズとよばれているが、本家なので正式名称にロンドンはない。
*I mean to say ※強調、特に直前の発言に対して使う

 'And to think we have to be seen by the world to be arm in arm with them. One wishes for a good bath at the mere reminder.'
 'Yes, sir.'


*To think ~を考えてもみたまえ ※驚きやショックなどを表す
*be arm in arm with ~と腕を組み合って→~と手と手を携えて
★One wishes for a good bath at the mere reminder
*to wish for a good bath = to want to cleanse contamination of the Versailles treaty considering it as disgrace
a good bath は汚名を雪ぐことの比喩

 'Last time I was in Berlin, Stevens, Baron Overath, old friend of my father, came up and said: "Why do you do this to us? Don't you see we can't go on like this?" I was jolly well tempted to tell him it's those wretched Frenchmen. It's not the English way of carrying on, I wanted to say. But I suppose one can't do things like that. Mustn't speak ill of our dear allies.'


Overath オーバラート:ドイツ人の姓
★Don't you see we can't go on like this?


 But the very fact that the French were the most intransigent as regards releasing Germany from the cruelties of the Versailles treaty made all the more imperative the need to bring to the gathering at Darlington Hall at least one French gentleman with unambiguous influence over his country's foreign policy. Indeed, I heard several times his lordship express the view that without the participation of such a personage, any discussion on the topic of Germany would be little more than an indulgence.


*intransigent: 態度が頑なな [formal, disapproval] ※スペインの強硬な共和主義者の名前から英語化した語だが、元をただせばラテン語の妥協を許さないが語源。
★the very fact [that...] made all the more imperative the need to bring...
※the fact made the need imperativeというSVOCの文がSVCOの語順に入れ替わっている
*all the more なお一層
*imperative この上なく重要な [formal]
*unambiguous 疑う余地のない
*foreign policy 外交政策
*indulgence 道楽、耽溺 ※良くないモノに気持を費やす事

He and Sir David accordingly set upon this final crucial lap of their preparations and to witness the unswerving determination with which they persevered in the face of repeated frustrations was a humbling experience; countless letters and telegrams were dispatched and his lordship himself made three separate trips to Paris within the space of two months. Finally, having secured the agreement of a certain extremely illustrious Frenchman - I will merely call him 'M. Dupont' - to attend the gathering on a very strict 'off the record' basis, the date for the conference was set. That is to say, for that memorable March of 1923.


*little more than sth/ no better than sth ~よりマシなことは少しもない ※~にはロクでもないモノが入る。これの逆のno less than sthは、「~より悪い事は少しもない」で~には良いモノがくる
*unswerving 道を外れない、不動の ※swerve 急に進路を変える、進路から外れる
*a humbling experience 忸怩たる思い
*illustrious (ɪˈlʌstrɪəs) 著名な、華々しい
*M. Dupont = Monsieur Dupont *M. はムッシューの省略形


 As this grew nearer, the pressures on myself, through of an altogether more humble nature than those mounting on his lordship, were nevertheless not inconsequential. I was only too aware of the possibility that if any guest were to find his stay at Darlington Hall less than comfortable, this might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness.


*altogether まったく、まるで
*inconsequential 取るに足らない、大したことのない
if any guest were to find his stay at Darlington Hall less than comfortable, this might have ...
※if ... were toはまずあり得ないことを仮定する時に使う。ここではスティーブンズが絶対にあってはならないと思っているのでwere toになっている
*less than confortable 快適からは程遠い、ちっとも快適ではない [emphasis]

Moreover, my planning for the event was complicated by the uncertainty as to the numbers involved. The conference being of a very high level, the participants had been limited to just eighteen very distinguished gentlemen and two ladies - a German countess and the formidable Mrs Eleanor Austin, at that time still resident in Berlin; but each of these might reasonably bring secretaries, valets and interpreters, and there proved no way of ascertaining the precise number of such persons to expect.


*formidable 傑物の
*ascertain (`æsɚtéɪn) 確かめる
*there proved no way ※proveはseemやbecomeのようなlink verbになる
★Eleanor (élənɚ)レナー:同型の名前は各国にあるが、これはイギリス式。ドイツならEleonora エレオノーラになる

Furthermore, it became clear that a number of the parties would be arriving some time before the three days set aside from the conference, thus giving themselves time to prepare their ground and gauge the mood of fellow guests, though their exact arrival dates were, again, uncertain. It was clear then that the staff would not only have to work extremely hard, and be at their most alert, they would also have to be unusually flexible.


*give oneself time to do 人にゆっくり~する時間を与える

In fact, I was for some time of the opinion that this huge challenge ahead of us could not be surmounted without my bringing in additional staff from outside. However, this option, quite aside from the misgivings his lordship was bound to have as regards gossip travelling, entailed my having to rely on unknown quantities just when a mistake could prove most costly.


*be of the opinion that ~との見解を持つ
*surmount 乗り越える、克服する
*quite aside from ~は言うに及ばず [British]ではapart fromの意味で使うより、besidesの意味で使う方が多いかも。
*misgivings 悪いことが必ず起こるであろうという不安、懸念
*be bound to do ~する運命にある、しなければならない
★entailed my having to rely = entailed me having to rely
*entail doing 必然的に~するに至らせる [formal]

I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as, I imagine, a general might prepare for a battle: I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way; I even gave the staff in military-style 'pep-talk', impressing upon them that, for all great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay them. And they, knowing me to be one not prone to exaggerated statements, well understood that something of an extraordinary nature was impending.


*set about ~に着手する
*device 考案する
*with utmost care 細心の注意を払って
*eventualities 不測の事態
*fall back upon ~を最後の砦にする
*give way 拠点などが落ちる
★pep-talk ペップトーク:軍隊や試合などでメンバーを鼓舞するのに使われる言葉の事。大きな一戦などを前にして、モチベーションを維持させ、余分な緊張を解すためにとても重要とされている。
*discharge duties 責任を果たす [formal] ※アクセント注意:動詞 (dɪstʃάɚdʒ)、名詞 (dístʃɑɚdʒ)
*prone to sth (adj.) 好ましくないモノへの傾向があって ※one not prone to sth ~の傾向の無い人


 You will understand then something of the climate prevailing around Darlington Hall by the time of my father's fall in front of the summerhouse - this occurring as it did just two weeks before the first of the conference guests were likely to arrive - and what I mean when I say there was little room for any 'beating about the bush'. My father did, in any case, rapidly discover a way to circumvent the limitations on his effectiveness implied by the stricture that he should carry no laden trays.


*beat around the bush ハンティングで藪をつついて回る→悠長にお膳立てをする ※ハンティングで獲物を直接狩るのではなく、そのお膳立てをするために藪を突いて獲物を外に追い立てるという意味から。
*circumvent 迂回する、裏をかく
*stricture 強い非難、弾劾 [formal]
*laden 荷を載せた

The sight of his figure pushing a trolley loaded with cleaning utensils, mops, brushes arranged incongruously, though always tidily, around teapots, cups and saucers, so that it at times resembled a street-hawker's barrow, became a familiar one around the house. Obviously he still could not avoid relinquishing his waiting duties in the dining room, but otherwise the trolley enabled him to accomplish a surprising amount.


*relinquish 放棄する [formal]
*accomplish やり遂げる

In fact, as astonishing change seemed to come over my father. It was almost as though some supernatural force possessed him, causing him to shed twenty years; his face lost much of the sunken look of recent times, and he went about his work with such youthful vigour that a stranger might have believed there were not one but several such figures pushing trolleys about the corridors of Darlington Hall.


*come over sb/sth ~に変化が起こる


 As for Miss Kenton, I seem to remember the mounting tension of those days having a noticeable effect upon her. I recall, for instance, the occasion around that time I happened to encounter her in the back corridor. The back corridor, which serves as a sort of backbone to the staff's quarters of Darlington Hall, was always a rather cheerless affair due to the lack of daylight penetrating its considerable length.


Even on a fine day, the corridor could be so dark that the effect was like walking through a tunnel. On that particular occasion, had I not recognized Miss Kenton's footsteps on the boards as she came towards me, I would have been able to identify her only from her outline. I paused at one of the few spots where a bright streak of light fell across the boards and, as she approached, said: 'Ah, Miss Kenton.'


had I not recognized Miss Kenton's footsteps on the boards
*boards 床板

 'Yes, Mr Stevens?'
 'Miss Kenton, I wonder if I may draw your attention to the fact that the bed linen for the upper floor will need to be ready by the day after tomorrow.'



 'The matter is perfectly under control, Mr Stevens.'
 'Ah, I'm very grad to hear it. It just struck me as a thought, that's all.'
 I was about to continue on my way, but Miss Kenton did not move. Then she took one step more towards me so that a bar of light fell across her face and I could see the angry expression on it.


 'Unfortunately, Mr Stevens, I am extremely busy now and I am finding I have barely a single moment to spare. If only I had as much spare time as you evidently do, then I would happily reciprocate by wandering about this house reminding you of tasks you have perfectly well in hand.'


*reciprocate 返礼をする、同じことを返す

 'Now, Miss Kenton, there is no need to become so bad-tempered. I merely felt the need to satisfy myself that it had not escaped your attention . . . '
 'Mr Stevens, this is the fourth or fifth time in the past two days you have felt such a need. It is most curious to see that you have so much time on your hands that you are able to simply wander about this house bothering others with gratuitous comments.'


*time on one's hands 暇な時間
*gratuitous (grətjúːəṭəs) 不必要な、謂れの無い

 'Miss Kenton, if you for one moment believe I have time on my hands, that displays more clearly than ever your great inexperience. I trust that in years to come, you will gain a clearer picture of what occurs in a house like this.'



 'You are perpetually talking of my "great inexperience", Mr Stevens, and yet you appear quite unable to point out any defect in my work. Otherwise I have no doubt you would have done so long ago and at some length. Now, I have much to be getting on with and would appreciate your not following me about and interrupting me like this. If you have so much time to spare, I suggest it might be more profitably spent taking some fresh air.'



 She stamped past me and on down the corridor. Deciding it best to let the matter go no further, I continued on my way. I had almost reached the kitchen doorway when I heard the furious sounds of her footsteps coming back towards me again.
 'In fact, Mr Stevens,' she called, 'I would ask you from now on not to speak to me directly at all.'
 'Miss Kenton, whatever are you talking about?'


 'If it is necessary to convey a message, I would ask you to do so through a messenger. Or else you may like to write a note and have it sent to me. Our working relationship, I am sure, would be made a great deal easier.'
 'Miss Kenton . . .'
 'I am extremely busy, Mr Stevens. A written note if the message is at all complicated. Otherwise you may like to speak to Martha or Dorothy, or any members of the male staff you deem sufficiently trustworthy. Now I must return to my work and leave you to your wanderings.'




 Irritating as Miss Kenton's behavior was, I could not afford to give it much thought, for by then the first of the guests had arrived. The representatives from abroad were not expected for a further two or three days, but the three gentlemen referred to by his lordship as his 'home team' - two Foreign Office ministers attending very much 'off the record' and Sir David Cardinal - had come early to prepare the ground as thoroughly as possible.


*expect sb 人が来る
*prepare the ground 準備の地ならしをする、下準備をする

As ever, little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion, and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings. Of course, his lordship and his colleagues were concerned to brief each other as accurately as possible on each one of the expected participants; but overwhelmingly, their concerns centred on a single figure - that of M. Dupont, the French gentleman - and on his likely sympathies and antipathies. Indeed, at one point, I believe I came into the smoking room and heard one of the gentlemen saying: 'The fate of Europe could actually hang on our ability to bring Dupont round on this point.'


*a brief 簡潔な説明
★a single figure - that of M. Dupont, the French gentleman
※このthat of M. Dupontのthatは前のfigureを指している。a figure of M. Dupont ムッシュー・デュポンの人物像
*an antipathy 反感を持つ事柄
*bring sb round 人の考えを翻させて、同意を取り付ける
*on this point この時点で


 It was in the midst of these preliminary discussions that his lordship entrusted me with a mission sufficiently unusual for it to have remained in my memory to this day, alongside those other more obviously unforgettable occurrences that were to take place during that remarkable week. Load Darlington called me into his study, and I could see at once that he was in a state of some agitation. He seated himself at his desk and, as usual, resorted to holding open a book - this time it was Who's Who - turning a page to and fro.


*preliminary 予備的な
★a mission sufficiently unusual for it
※for itは対処すべき漠然とした周囲の状況を指しているので、無くても意味は通る
*alongside prep. ~と並んで
*in a state of agitation 動揺しているのが見て分かる状態で
Who's Who 紳士録:ある国の著名人の概略が書かれている本。この名称は広く使われるようになったため、色んな国の版があるが、ここでのWho's Whoは元祖であるBritish版と思われる。

 'Oh, Stevens,?' he began with a false air of nonchalance, but then seemed at a loss how to continue. I remained standing there ready to relieve his discomfort at the first opportunity. His lordship went on fingering his page for a moment, leaned forward to scrutinize an entry, then said: 'Stevens, I realize this is a somewhat irregular thing to ask you to do.'


*nonchalance 内心の焦りを隠して平静を装う事

 'It's just that one has so much of importance on one's mind just now.'
 'I would be very glad to be of assinstance, sir.'
 'I'm sorry to bring up a thing like this, Stevens. I know you must be awfully busy yourself. But I can't see how on earth to make it go away.'
 I waited a moment while Load Darlington returned his attention to Who's Who. Then he said, without looking up: 'You are familiar, I take it, with the facts of life.'
 'The facts of life, Stevens. Birds, bees. You are familiar, aren't you?'
 'I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.'


*be of assistance 助けになる ※単にassistを使うより丁寧
*make it go away 問題を解決する ※問題とは限らないが、困ったことをどこかにやる→解消するという意味
★facts of life 人生の機微、男女の機微

 'Let me put my cards on the table, Stevens. Sir David is a very old friend. And he's been invaluable in organizing the present conference. Without him, I dare say, we'd not have secured M. Dupont's agreement to come.'
 'Indeed, sir.'
 'However, Stevens, Sir David has his funny side. You may have noticed it yourself. He's brought his son, Reginald, with married. Young Reginald, I mean.'
 'Yes, sir.'
 'Sir David has been attempting to tell his son the facts of life for the last five years. The young man is now twenty-three.'
 'Indeed, sir.'
 'I'll get to the point, Stevens. I happen to be the young man's godfather. Accordingly, Sir David has requested that I convey to young Reginald the facts of life.'
 'Indeed, sir.'
 'Sir David himself finds the task rather daunting and suspects he will not accomplish it before Reginald's wedding day.'
 'Indeed, sir.'


*put one's card on the table テーブルに手の内のカードを並べる→手の内を見せる、正直に言う ※ポーカーから来ている
*I dare say = probably [British]
*secure an agreement 合意を取り付ける ※secure 確保する [formal]

 'The point is, Stevens, I'm terribly busy. Sir David should know that, but he's asked me none the less.' His lordship paused and went on studying his page.
 'Do I understand, sir,' I said, 'that you wish me to convey the information to the young gentleman?'
 'If you don't mind, Stevens. Be an awful lot off my mind. Sir David continues to ask me every couple of hours if I've done it yet.'
 'I see, sir. It must be most trying under the present pressures.'
 'Of course, this is far beyond the call of duty, Stevens.'
 'I will do my best, sir. I may, however, have difficulty finding the appropriate moment to convey such information.'
 'I'd be very grateful if you'd even try, Stevens. Awfully decent of you. Look here, there's no need to make a song and dance of it. Just convey the basic facts and be done with it. Simple approach is the best, that's my advice, Stevens.'
 'Yes, sir. I shall do my best.
 'Jolly grateful to you, Stevens. Let me know how you get on.'


*non the less = nevertheless [formal] それでもなお
*an awful lot 酷くたくさんの
*be a weight off your mind 心配事がなくなる
*jolly [British, informal, old-fashioned, emphasize] とても



 I was, as you might imagine, a little take aback by the request and ordinarily the matter might have been one I would have spent some time pondering. Coming upon me as it did, however, in the midst of such a busy period, I could not afford to let it preoccupy me unduly, and I thus decided I should resolve it at the earliest opportunity. As I recall, then, it was only an hour or so after being first entrusted with the mission that I noticed the young Mr Cardinal alone in the library, sitting at one of the writing tables, absorbed in some documents. On studying the young gentleman closely, one could, as it were, appreciate the difficulty experienced by his lordship - and indeed, by the young gentleman's father. My employer's godson looked an earnest, scholarly young man, and one could see many fine qualities in his features; yet given the topic one wished to raise, one would have certainly preferred a lighter-hearted, even a more frivolous sort of young gentleman. In any case, resolved to bring the whole matter to a satisfactory conclusion as quickly as possible, I proceeded further into the library, and stopping a little way from Mr Cardinal's writing desk, gave a cough.


*take aback 困惑させられる ※びっくりしてちょっと固まるというようなニュアンスの表現
*as it did ※強調のフレーズ
*unduly 過度に
*godson godfatherに名付けられた子供
*light-hearted 気楽な、陽気な
*frivolous 軽薄な

 'Excuse me, sir, but I have a message to convey to you.'
 'Oh, really?' Mr Cardinal said eagerly, looking up from his papers. 'From Father?'
 'Yes, sir. That is, effectively.'
 'Just a minute.'
 The young gentleman reached down to the attaché case at his feet and brought out a notebook and pencil. 'Fire away, Stevens.'
 I coughed again and set my voice into a s impersonal a tone as I could manage.
 'Sir David wishes you to know, sir, that lades and gentle-men differ in several key respects.'
 I must have paused a little to form my next phrase, for Mr Cardinal gave a sigh and said: 'I'm only too aware of that, Stevens. Would you mind coming to the point?'


*effectively 実際上、事実上 ※直接頼まれたのはダーリントン卿からであるが、ダーリントン卿に頼んだのは彼の父だからである
*fire away 続けてくれ [informal] ※もともとは「どんどん砲撃せよ」という命令

 'You are aware, sir?'
 'Father is perpetually underestimating me. I've done extensive reading and background work on this whole area.'
 'Is that so, sir?'
 'I've thought about virtually nothing else for the past month.'
 'Really, sir. In that case, perhaps my message is rather redundant.'
 'You can assure Father I'm very well briefed indeed. This attaché case' - he nudged it with his foot - 'is chock-full of notes on every possible angle one can imagine.'
 'Is that so, sir?'
 'I really think I've thought through every permutation the human mind is capable of. I wish you'd reassure Father of that.'
 'I will, sir.'


*assure 人 (that)... 人に...だと保証する、請け負う
*nudge 小突く
*chock-full ぎっしり詰まった
*permutation 順列(の入れ替え)、ここでは何か入れ替えた場合の組み合わせのこと

 Mr Cardinal seemed to relax a little. He prodded once more his attaché case - which I felt inclined to keep my eyes averted from - and said: 'I suppose you've been wondering why I never let go of this case.  Well, now you know. Imagine if the wrong person opened it.'
 'That would be most awkward, sir.'
 'That is, of course,' he said, sitting up again suddenly, "unless Father has come up with an entirely new factor he wants me to think about.'
 'I cannot imagine he has, sir.'
 'No? Nothing more on this Dupont fellow?'
 'I fear not, sir.'
 I did my best not to give away anything of my exasperation on discovering that a task I had thought all but behind me was in fact still there unassaulted before me. I believe I was collecting my thoughts for a renewed effort when the young gentleman suddenly rose to his feet and clutching his attaché case to his person, said: 'Well, I think I'll go and take a little fresh air. Thanks for your help, Stevens.'


*prod 突く
*avert from 目を背ける、逸らす
*awkward きまりの悪い、気まずい
*sit up 上体を起こす
*exasperation 大きく狼狽えること、あるいはイライラすること
*a task I had thought all but behind ne もう終わったようなものと思っていた仕事 ※all but = almost, nearly
*sth is behind sb 何かが人にとって過去のもので、過ぎ去ったことで
*unassaulted = not assaulted 完全にやっつけられずに、対処されずに ※ここでは片付いていないの意
★collect my thoughts for a renewed effort 気持を立て直すべく努めて冷静にふるまう
※collect my thoughts ショックを出さないように感情をコントロールする。思考をまとめるという言い方をする

 It had been my intention to seek out a further interview with Mr Cardinal with minimum delay, but this proved to be impossible, owing largely to the arrival that same afternoon - some two days earlier than expected - of Mr Lewis, the American senator. I had been down in my pantry working through the supplies sheets, when I had heard somewhere above my head the unmistakable sounds of motor cars pulling up in the courtyard. As I hastened to go upstairs, I happened to encounter Miss Kenton in the back corridor - the scene, of course, of our last disagreement - and it was perhaps this unhappy coincidence that encouraged her to maintain the childish behaviour she had adopted on that previous occasion. For when I inquired who it was that had arrived, Miss Kenton continued past me, stating simply: 'A message if it is urgent, Mr Stevens.' This was extremely annoying, but, of course, I had no choice but to hurry on upstairs.


*senetor 上院議員

 My recollection of Mr Lewis is that of a gentleman of generous dimensions with a genial smile that rarely left his face. His early arrival was clearly something of an inconvenience to his lordship and his colleagues who had reckoned on a day or two more of privacy for their preparations. However, Mr Lewis's engagingly informal manner, and his statement at dinner that the United States 'would always stand on the side of justice and didn't mind admitting mistakes had been made at Versailles' seemed to do much to win the confidence of his lordship's 'home team'; as dinner progressed, the conversation had slowly but surely turned from topics such as the merits of Mr Lewis's native Pennsylvania back to the conference ahead, and by the time the gentlemen were lighting their cigars, some of the speculations being offered appeared to be as intimate as those exchanged period to Mr Lewis's arrival.


*generous dimensions たっぷりした縦横高さの→恰幅の良い、高さも幅もある
*genial 愛想のよい、にこやかな、人好きのする
*inconvenient 不都合な、都合の悪い
*reckon 概算する→予想する、思う、見込む ※古英語のrecountから
*a day or two more of もう一日二日余分に
*privacy UK[ˈprɪvəsi], US[ˈpraɪ-] ※注意:発音が英米で違う
*engagingly 人を惹き付ける様に、人好きのする様子で
Pennsylvania ペンシルヴェニア州:NY州の南にあるアメリカ北東部の州。英語での発音は[ˌpɛnsɪlˈveɪnjə]
*speculation 憶測
*intimate (adj.) 内内の、仲間内の ※発音注意、adj. [ˈɪntɪmət]/ v. [ˈɪntɪmeɪt]

At one point, Mr Lewis said to the company:
 'I agree with you, gentlemen, our M. Dupont can be very unpredictable. But let me tell you, there's one thing you can bet on about him. One thing you can bet on for sure.' He leaned forward and waved his cigar for emphasis. 'Dupont hates Germans. He hated them before the war and he hates them now with a depth you gentlemen here would find hard to understand.' With that, Mr Lewis sat back in his chair again, the genial smile returning fully to his face. 'But tell me, gentlemen,' he continued, 'you can hardly blame a Frenchmen for hating the Germans, can you? After all, a Frenchman has good cause to do so, hasn't he?'


*unpredictable 行動が予測つかない、気まぐれな
*impractical 実際的でない、非現実的な
After all, a Frenchman has good cause to do so, hasn't he?
本来であれば、has good causeのhasは助動詞ではないので、付加疑問はhasn't he?ではなく、doesn't he?
He has taken the book, hasn't he?

 There was a moment of slight awkwardness as Mr Lewis glanced around the table. Then Lord Darlington said:
 'Naturally, some bitterness is inevitable. But then, of course, we English also fought the Germans long and hard.'
 'But the difference with you Englishmen,' Mr Lewis said, 'seems to be that you don't really hate the Germans destroyed civilization here in Europe and no punishment is too bad for them. Of course, that looks an impractical kind of position to us in the United States, but what's always puzzled me is how you English don't seem to share the view of the French. After all, like you say Britain lost a lot in that war too.'


no punishment is too bad

 There was another awkward pause before Sir David said, rather uncertainly:
 'We English have often had a different way of looking at things from the French, Mr Lewis.'
 'Ah. A kind of temperamental difference, you might say.' Mr Lewis's smile seemed to broaden slightly as he said this. He nodded to himself, as though many things had now become clear to him, and drew on his cigar. It is possible this is a case of hindsight colouring my memory, but I have a distinct feeling that it was at that moment I first sensed something odd, something duplicitous perhaps, about this apparently charming American gentleman. But if my own suspicious were aroused at that moment, Load Darlington evidently did not share them. For after another second or two of awkward silence, his lordship seemed to come to a decision.


*temperamental 気質的な
*draw on his cigar 葉巻を吸う
*hindsight 今にして思えばそうだったと後付けで思うこと
*duplicitous [djuːˈplɪsɪtəs] 二枚舌の ※deceitfulのFormal版。duplicityの形容詞

 'Mr Lewis,' he said, 'let me put it frankly. Most of us in England find the present French attitude despicable. You may indeed call it a temperamental difference, but I venture we are talking about something rather more. It is unbecoming to go on hating an enemy like this once a conflict is over. Once you've got a man on the canvas, that ought to be the end of it. You don't then proceed to kick him. To us, the French behaviour has become increasingly barbarous.'


*despicable 非常に下劣な、卑劣な ※アクセントの位置が英米で違う。UK [dɪsˈpɪkəbəl]/ US [ˈdespɪk-]
*unbecoming (adj.) 見苦しい、似つかわしくない [Formal]
*be on the canvas = be knocked down in the life [informal]
*the canvas = the floor of the boxing ring [UK]
*barbarous 野蛮な ※barbarian (n.)

 This utterance seemed to give Mr Lewis some satisfaction. He muttered something in sympathy and smiled with contentment at his fellow diners through the clouds of tobacco smoke by now hanging thickly across the table.


*utterance [ˈʌtərəns] 発言 [Formal]
*clouds of tobacco 紫煙、煙草の葉っぱの煙 ※tobaccoはタバコ(シガレット)ではなく、煙草や葉巻の葉っぱ

 The next morning brought more early arrivals; namely, the two ladies from Germany - who had travelled together despite what one would have imagined to have been the great contrast in their backgrounds - bringing with them a large team of ladies-in-waiting and footmen, as well as a great many trunks. Then in the afternoon, an Italian gentleman arrived accompanied by a valet, a secretary, an 'expert' and two bodyguards. I cannot imagine what sort of place this gentleman imagined he was coming to in bringing the latter, but I must say it struck something of an odd note to see in Darlington Hall these two large silent men staring suspiciously in all directions a few yards from wherever the Italian gentleman happened to be. Incidentally, the working pattern of these bodyguards, so it transpired over the following days, entailed one of the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night.


*namely = that is to say 即ち ※具体的な言い換え、列挙などが来る
*strike an odd note ヘンな音を叩く→異様な空気を醸し出す、違和感を持たせる
*transpire 知れる、明らかになる
*entail 必然的に~することになる [Formal]

But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it, she once again refused to converse with me, and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour. 


*arrangement = agreement 何かを実行するために人と交わした取り決め

 The following day brought several more guests and with two days yet to go to the start of the conference, Darlington Hall was filled with people of all nationalities, talking in rooms, or else standing around, apparently aimlessly, in the hall, in corridors and on landings, examining pictures or objects. The guests were never less than courteous to one another, but for all that, a rather tense atmosphere, characterized largely by distrust, seemed to prevail at this stage. And reflecting this unease, the visiting valets and footmen appeared to regard one another with marked coldness and my own staff were rather glad to be too busy to spend much time with them.


*stand around ぼーっと立ち尽くす
*for all that それにもかかわらず、とは言うものの
*regard sb with sth 人を~な目で見る ※with以下には感情を伴う名詞が来る

 It was around this point, in the midst of dealing with the many demands being made on my attention, that I happened to glance out of a window and spotted the figure of the young Mr Cardinal taking some fresh air around the grounds. He was clutching his attaché case as usual and I could see he was strolling slowly along the path that runs the outer perimeter of the lawn, deeply absorbed in thought. I was of course reminded of my mission regarding the young gentleman and it occurred to me that an outdoor setting, with the general proximity of nature, and in particular the example of the geese close at hand, would not be an unsuitable setting at all in which to convey the sort of message I was bearing. I could see, moreover, that if I were quickly to go outside and conceal my person behind the large rhododendron bush beside the path, it would not be long before Mr Cardinal came by. I would then be able to emerge and convey my message to him. It was not, admittedly, the most subtle of strategies, but you will appreciate that this particular task, though no doubt important in its way, hardly took the highest priority at that moment.


*many demands being made on my attention 私に促される多くの要求 ※このattentionは何かを頼もうとお客さんやスタッフからスティーブンズに向けられるサインの様なモノのこと
*proximity すぐそばにいる事 [Formal]
*the most subtle of strategies 戦略の内でも最もさりげないもの
*rhododendron [ròʊdədéndrən] つつじ、或いはシャクナゲ ※どちらもツツジ科ツツジ属
*in its (own) way それなりに

 There was a light frost covering the ground and much of the foliage, but it was a mild day for that time of the year. I crossed the grass quickly, placed my person behind the bush, and before long heard Mr Cardinal's footsteps approaching. Unfortunately, I misjudged slightly the timing of my emergence. I had intended to emerge while Mr Cardinal was still a reasonable distance away, so that he would see me in good time and suppose I was on my way to the summerhouse, or perhaps to the gardener's lodge. I could then have pretended to notice him for the first time and have engaged him in conversation in an impromptu manner. As it happened, I emerged a little late and I fear I rather startled the young gentleman, who immediately pulled his attaché case away from me and clutched it to his chest with both arms.


*in good time 十分な余裕を持って ※到着時刻などに使う
*engage sb in conversation = have a conversation with sb 人を会話に招き入れる [Formal]
*impromptu [ɪmprάmptjuː] 事前準備なしの ※≒improvised 即興の。US [-tu]←jがない
*As it happens たまたま、偶然にも、思いがけず ※文脈によっては「actually 実は」の意味にもなる
*I fear that SV 申し訳ない事にSVである [Formal]

 'I'm very sorry, sir,'
 'My goodness, Stevens. You gave me a shock. I thought things were hotting up a bit there.'
 'I'm very sorry, sir. But as it happens, I have something to convey to you.'
 'My goodness, yes, you gave me quite a fright.'
 'If I may come straight to the point, sir. You will notice the geese not far from us.'
 'Geese?' He looked around a little bewildered. 'Oh yes. That's what they are.'
 'And likewise the flowers and shrubs. This is not, in fact, the best time of year to see them in their full glory, but you will appreciate, sir, that with the arrival of spring, we will see a change - a very special sort of change - in these surroundings.'
 'Yes, I'm sure the grounds are not at their best just now. But to be perfectly frank, Stevens, I wasn't paying much attention to the glories of nature. It's all rather worrying. That M. Dupont's arrived in the foulest mood imaginable. Last thing we wanted really.'


*my goodness うわっ ※驚いた時の間投詞
*things hot up 緊張が走る [informal]
*glory 花などの盛り
*imaginable 考え得る限り(最高の/最低の) ※最上級を強調するための後置修飾の形容詞
*foul [fάʊl] 酷い ※ファウルボールのファウル

 'M. Dupont has arrived here at this house, sir?'
 'About half an hour ago. He's in the most foul temper.'
 'Excuse me, sir. I must attend to him straight away.'
 'Of course, Stevens. Well, kind of you to have come out to talk to me.'
 'Please excuse me, sir. As it happened, I had a word or two more to say on the topic of - as you put it yourself - the glories of nature. If you will indulge me by listening, I would be most grateful. But I am afraid this will have to wait for another occasion.'
 'Well, I shall look forward to it, Stevens. Though I'm more of a fish man myself. I know all about fish, fresh water and salt.'
 'All living creatures will be relevant to our forthcoming discussion, sir. However, you must now please excuse me. I had no idea M. Dupont had arrived.'


*half an hour = 30 minutes
*more of a ~ (than...) (...よりは)どちらかと言うと~
*I am a fish man/person 私は魚派です。 ※a ~ person/manで、~な人という意味になる。
e.g. a morning person = an early bird 朝型人間/ a night person = a night owl 夜型人間

 M. Dupont was a tall, elegant gentleman with a grey beard and a monocle. He had arrived in the sort of clothes one often sees continental gentlemen wearing on their holidays, and indeed, throughout his stay, he was to maintain diligently the appearance of having come to Darlington Hall entirely for pleasure and friendship. As Mr Cardinal had indicated, M. Dupont had not arrived in a good temper; I cannot recall now all the various things that had upset him since his arrival in England a few days previously, but in particular he had obtained some painful sores on his feet while sightseeing around London and these, he feared, were growing septic. I referred his valet to Miss Kenton, but this did not prevent M. Dupont snapping his fingers at me every few hours to say: ' Butler! I am in need of more bandages.'


*pleasure 仕事以外の気晴らし
*sores ひどい痛みを伴う擦り傷。ジュクジュクした爛れ。
*septic 敗血症の ※sepsis 敗血症の形容詞。
★Sepsis 敗血症:怪我から雑菌が入り、全身に及ぶ病気。細菌を殺す抗生物質が見付かったのは1923年のことであり、第一次世界大戦後(1920年頃)のこの時代はまだ敗血症は恐ろしい病気だった。
*refer sb to sb (助けるために)人を人に引き合わせる、送り込む

 His mood seemed much lifted on seeing Mr Lewis. He and the American senator greeted each other as old colleagues and they were to be seen together for much of the remainder of the day, laughing over reminiscences. In fact, one could see that Mr Lewis's almost constant proximity to M. Dupont was proving a serious inconvenience to Load Darlington, who was naturally keen to make close personal contact with this distinguished gentleman before the discussions began. On several occasions I witnessed his lordship make attempts to draw M. Dupont aside for some private conversation, only for Mr Lewis smilingly to impose himself upon them with some remark like: 'Pardon me, gentlemen, but there's something that's been greatly puzzling me,' so that his lordship soon found himself having to listen to some more of Mr Lewis's jovial anecdotes. Mr Lewis apart, however, the other guests, perhaps through awe, perhaps through a sense of antagonism, kept a wary distance from M. Dupont, a fact that was conspicuous even in that generally guarded atmosphere, and which seemed to underline all the more the feeling that it was M. Dupont who somehow helped the key to the outcome of the following days.


*the remainder of the day = the rest of the day
*draw sb aside for a private conversation 個人的に会話しようと脇に呼び寄せる
*impose himself upon them 人々に割って入って邪魔をする
*find himself doing sth (その気もないのに)ふと気付くと~している
★(it is) a fact that was conspicuous even in that generally guarded atmosphere, and which seemed to underline all the more the feeling that it was M. Dupont who somehow helped the key to the outcome of the following days.
後半のwhichはa factを指している。緊張感漲る会議前の雰囲気の中でも、ムッシュー・デュポンがひときわ浮いていたと言っている。


 The conference began on a rainy morning during the last week of March 1923 in the somewhat unlikely setting of the drawing room - a venue chosen to accommodate the 'off the record' nature of many of the attendances. In fact, to my eyes, the appearance of informality had been taken to a faintly ludicrous degree. It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern, dark-jacketed gentlemen, sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees.


drawing room 応接室:主にイギリス英語の表現で、かなりきちんとした広い応接室のことを指す。特にイギリス上流階級の応接室のこと。
*dark-jacketed フォーマルな装いの
*abreast (adv.) [əbrést] 連れだって、横に並んで
*maintain the appearance 何事もない風を装う、すべてうまく行っている体を取り繕う
*go to the/great lengths 目的達成のために労をいとわない、過剰な労力を払う
such was the determination (on...) that this was nothing more than...
「such is sth(~) that... ~は余りに大きく...(that以下)だ/that以下なほど~強烈な~だ」という強調の倒置の一種で、元の文は
the determination was such that this was nothing more than...

 I was obliged during the course of that first morning to go constantly in and out of the room, and so was unable to follow the proceedings at all fully. But I recall Lord Darlington opening the discussions by formally welcoming the guests, before going on to outline the strong moral case for a relaxing of various aspects of the Versailles treaty, emphasizing the great suffering he had himself witnessed in Germany. Of course, I had heard these same sentiments expressed by his lordship on many occasions before, but such was the depth of conviction with which he spoke in this august setting that I could not help but be moved afresh. Sir David Cardinal spoke next, and though I missed much of his speech, it seemed to be more technical in substance, and quite frankly, rather above my head. But his general gist seemed to be close to his lordship's, concluding with a call for a freezing of German reparation payments and the withdrawal of French troops from the Ruhr region. The German countess then began to speak, but I was at this point, for some reason I do not recollect, obliged to leave the drawing room for an extended period. By the time I re-entered, the guests were in open debate, and the discussion - with much talk of commerce and interest rates - was quite beyond me.


*during the course of ~の最中に ※the course ofはなくても同じ [Formal]
*proceedings 特別な会議などの成り行き [Formal]
such was the depth of conviction (with...) that I could not help but be moved afresh.
the depth of conviction was such that I could not help but be moved afresh.
*conviction 信念
*august 堂々たる、気高い [Formal]
*afresh (adv.) 今更ながらに
*gist [dʒíst] 話の概要、骨子 ※通常はthe gist of~の形で使う。発音注意
Ruhr [rʊə] ルーア地域:南にルーァ川、西にライン川が流れるドイツ西寄りの炭鉱地帯で、ドイツ最大の人口を誇るNordrhein-Westfalen(ノルトライン=ウェストファーレン州)の一部(州都はデュッセルドルフ)。第一次世界大戦のあと、フランスとベルギーの連合軍に占領されていた。日本語ではなぜかルール地方/ルール川と訳されているが、英語でもドイツ語でも発音はルーァのため、ここではルーア地域としている。また、Ruhrはドイツ語で赤い川と言う意味で、「dysentery [UK ˈdɪsəntri/US -teri] 赤痢」のことでもある。※Ruhr地域のベルサイユ条約での扱いはWeimar Republicの部分を参照の事
*for an extended period 長時間
*above my head = beyond me 理解を超えた ※どちらも自分の能力を超えていて分からないという意味

 M. Dupont, so far as I could observe, was not contributing to the discussions, and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts. At one stage, when I happened to depart the room in the midst of an address by one of the German gentlemen, M. Dupont suddenly rose and followed me out.
 'Butler,' he said, once we were in the hall, 'I wonder if I could have my feet changed. They are giving me so much discomfort now, I can hardly listen to these gentlemen.'



 As I recall, I had conveyed a plea to Miss Kenton for assistance - via a messenger, naturally - and had left M. Dupont sitting in the billiard room awaiting his nurse, when the first footman had come hurrying down the staircase in some distress to inform me that my father had been taken ill upstairs.



 I hurried up to the first floor and on turning at the landing was met by a strange sight. At the far end of the corridor, almost in front of the large window, at that moment filled with grey light and rain, my father's figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he  was taking part in some ceremonial ritual. He had dropped down on to one knee and with head bowed seemed to be pushing at the trolley before him, which for some reason had taken on an obstinate immobility. Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance, watching his efforts in some awe. I went to my father and releasing his hands from their grip on the edge of the trolley, eased him down on the carpet. His eyes were closed, his face was an ashen colour, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. Further assistance was called, a bath-chair arrived in due course, and my father was transported up to his room.



 Once my father had been laid in his bed, I was a little uncertain as to how to proceed; for while it seemed undesirable that I leave my father in such a condition, I did not really have a moment more to spare. As I stood hesitating in the doorway, Miss Kenton appeared at my side and said: 'Mr Stevens, I have a little more time than you at the moment. I shall, if you wish, attend to your father. I shall show Dr Meredith up and notify you if he has anything noteworthy to say.'



 'Thank you, Miss Kenton,' I said, and took my leave.




















































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