The Remains of the Day
            By Kazuo Ishiguro


- Darlington Hall -


- Salisbury -

一日目 - 晩
- ソールズベリー -


Go to the Contents 目次へ戻る







Tonight, I find myself here in a guest house in the city of Salisbury. The first day of my trip is now complete, and all in all, I must say I am quite satisfied. This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than I had planned, despite my having completed my packing and loaded the Ford with all the necessary items well before eight o'clock. What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week, I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that I departed, Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century - perhaps for the first time since the day it was built. It was an odd feeling and perhaps accounts for why I delayed my departure so long, wandering around the house many times over, checking one last time that all was in order.


Salisbury ソールズベリー ※ロンドンの西に位置するウィルトシャー州(Wiltshire)の州都。東にバークシャー州、その更に東が大ロンドン(Greater London)。ロンドンからソールズベリーは90mile≒140km。東京から富士山位までの距離。これまでの所、はっきりとは示されていないが、ダーリントン・ホールはおそらくロンドン中心部にあると思われる。
★all in all, I must say I am quite satisfied
※このquiteはそれなりに、まずまずの意味。quiteはquite right (大正解), quite the opposite (真逆)など「完全に」という意味にもなるので要注意。程度がない時は完全にの意味だが、どっちともとれる時もあるので、最後は表情か文脈がフィーリング。ここではall in allが前にあるのと、スティーブンズの性格から。
Ford フォード車 ※戦後のモータリゼーションの中心となった車。このお話は1956年なので、その当時の最新型というと1955Ford。ミスター・ファラデーはお金持ちのアメリカ人なので絶対最新型のはず。
*what with A and B A やら B やらで 理由を説明する時に使う、特に不本意な場合が多い
*account for (vi.)~の説明が付く、の理由になる
*many times over 何度も何度も、繰り返し何度も
*one last time 最後にもう一度


 It is hard to explain my feelings once I did finally set off. For the first twenty minutes or so of motoring, I cannot say I was seized by any excitement or anticipation at all. This was due, no doubt, to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house, I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance. Now I had always supposed I had travelled very little, restricted as I am by my responsibilities in the house, but of course, over time, one does make various excursions for one professional reason or another, and it would seem I have become much more acquainted with those neighbouring districts than I had realized. For as I say, as I motored on in the sunshine towards the Berkshire border, I continued to be surprised by the familiarity of the country around me.


*motor (ˈməʊtə) 自動車旅行をする、古風な表現。現代ではdrive。※発音注意モゥタ
*be due to sth ~のせいである、~が理由である
*a passing acquaintance ちょっとは知っているもの、見た事のあるもの
*excursion (ɪkˈskɜːʃən) 日帰り程度の小旅行、遠出 ※発音注意イギリスではエクスカーション、アメリカでは-ジョン
Berkshire バークシャー州 ※大ロンドン(Greater London)の真西にある州。


 But then eventually the surroundings grew unrecognizable and I knew I had gone beyond all previous boundaries. I have heard people describe the moment, when setting sail in a ship, when one finally loses sight of the land. I imagine the experience of unease mixed with exhilaration often described in connection with this moment is very similar to what I felt in the Ford as the surroundings grew strange around me. This occurred just after I took a turning and found myself on a road curving around the edge of a hill. I could sense the steep drop to my left, though I could not see it due to the trees and thick foliage that lined the roadside. The feeling swept over me that I had truly left Darlington Hall behind, and I must confess I did feel a slight sense of alarm - a sense aggravated by the feeling that I was perhaps not on the correct road at all, but speeding off in totally the wrong direction into a wilderness. It was only the feeling of a moment, but it caused me to slow down. And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road, I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock, as it were.


*exhilaration (ɪgˌzɪˈləreɪʃən) 興奮で浮きたつ気持 ※発音注意 h を読まない
*aggravate (ˈæɡrəˌveɪt) 悪いものを更に悪化させる
but speeding off in totally the wrong direction into a wilderness
*speed off in the wrong direction 間違った方向に道を外れて疾走する
*take stock どうすべきかの状況を考えるために立ち止まる


 I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so, I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill. On one side of the road, thickets and small trees rose steeply, while on the other I could now glimpse through the foliage the distant countryside.


★I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill
a stronger impression of being perched に than ever が挿入されているだけ
*perch 腰掛ける、鳥が木に留まる


 I believed I had walked a little way along the roadside, peering through the foliage hoping to get a better view, when I heard a voice behind me. Until this point, of course, I had believed myself quite alone and I turned in some surprise. A little way further up the road on the opposite side, I could see the start of a footpath, which disappeared steeply up into the thickets. Sitting on the large stone that marked this spot was a thin, white-haired man in a cloth cap, smoking his pipe. He called to me again and though I could not quite make out his words, I could see him gesturing for me to join him. For a moment, I took him for a vagrant, but then I saw he was just some local fellow enjoying the fresh air and summer sunshine, and saw no reason not to comply.


*take someone for something 人を~と思う、見間違える (informal)
*vagrant (ˈveɪɡrənt) 浮浪者 ※発音注意
*comply 応じる


 'Just wondering, sir,' he said, as I approached, 'how fit your legs were.'
 'I beg your pardon?'
 The fellow gestured up the footpath. 'You got to have a good pair of legs and a good pair of lungs to go up there. Me, I haven't got neither, so I stay down here. But if I was in better shape, I'd be sitting up there. There's a nice little spot up there, a bench and everything. And you won't get a better view anywhere in the whole of England.'


★how fit your legs were (to walk up there)?
どうだい、あんたの足は(そこまで登るのに) 間に合ったのかい?
*in good shape 健康で、体調が良くて
*neither (ˈnaɪðə) ※イギリス英語の特徴その1。ナイザーと読む。アメリカ英語では(ˈniːðə)。
💬気安そうな相手に心を許したのか、スティーブンズの中でthe man→the fellowになってます。ニュアンスとしては親父とかおっさんなんだけど、スティーブンズにラフが似合わないからなぁ。


 'If what you say is true,' I said, 'I think I'd rather stay here. I happen to be embarking on a motoring trip during the course of which I hope to see many splendid views. To see the best before I have properly begun would be somewhat premature.'


*embark on~ ~を始める、乗り出す
*premature 時期尚早の


 The fellow did not seem to understand me, for he simply said again: 'You won't see a better view in the whole of England. But I tell you, you need a good pair of legs and a good pair of lungs.' Then he added: 'I can see you're in good shape for your age, sir. I'd say you could make your way up there, no trouble. I mean, even I can manage on a good day.'

 親父殿は私の話を分かりかねたようで、単純に同じことを繰り返した-「イングランド中どこ行ったってここ以上の景色は見れねえんだぜ。だけどな、いいか、それにゃあ素晴らしい足が二本と、素晴らしい肺が二っつ要るんだよ。」 そう言って付け加えた-「あんたは年の割にゃあ、しゃきっとした体してンじゃねえか、旦那。あんたならあそこに登るんだってわけねえだろって思うんだがねぇ。いやさ、俺だって調子のいい日にゃどうにかなるんだけどよ。」



 I glanced up the path, which did look steep and rather rough.
 'I'm telling you, sir, you'll be sorry if you don't take a walk up there. And you never know. A couple more years and it might be too late' - he gave a rather vulgar laugh - 'Better go on up while you still can.'


*vulgar 下品な、粗野な


 It occurs to me now that the man might just possibly have meant this is a humorous sort of way; that is to say, he intended it as a bantering remark. But this morning, I must say, I found it quite offensive and it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath.


it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath
※強調構文のit is - that が、it may well have been - that という変形になっている。元の文章は
the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation may well have had been caused me to set off up the footpath
*may well do ~なのも当然である
*offensive 侮辱的な
*insinuation あてこすり ※暗に悪意のある言い方をする事
*the urge to ~しようという衝動
💬そんで登っちゃうんだ…。思う壺な気もするけど、意外と負けず嫌いなんだな。まあ、そうじゃなきゃパーフェクトマンにはなれないか。そして頭に来たせいかthe fellow→the manに戻ってますね。


 In any case, I am very glad I did so. Certainly, it was quite a strenuous walk - though I can say it failed to cause me any real difficulty - the path rising in zigzags up the hillside for a hundred years or so. I then reached a small clearing, undoubtedly the spot the man had referred to. Here one was met by a bench - and indeed, by a most marvellous view over miles of the surrounding countryside.


*strenuous 努力とエネルギーを多大に必要とする、タフな、負荷の大きい


 What I saw was principally field upon field rolling off into the far distance. The land rose and fell gently, and the fields were bordered by hedges and trees. There were dots in some of the distant fields which I assumed to be sheep. To my right, almost on the horizon, I thought I could see the square tower of a church.


*rolling off 大地などがうねるように延々と広がる


 It was a fine feeling in deed to be standing up there like that, with the sound of summer all around one and a light breeze on one's face. And I believe it was then, looking on that view, that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me.


*a frame of mind 心構え、心持ち ※何かに対して決まった振る舞いをしようという心理状態のこと
*appropriate ※発音注意 adj. (əˈprəʊprɪɪt) vt. (əˈprəʊprɪˌeɪt)

For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me.


★For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences (which) I know these days ahead hold in store for me.
the many interesting experiencesを先行詞とする関係代名詞がくっついている
I know these days ahead hold (the many interesting experiences) in store for me
*flush 気持の昂り
*(future) hold sth in store for someone 未来は~を人の為に貯めている→将来には~が人を待っている

And indeed, it was then that I felt a new resolve not to be daunted in respect to the one professional task I have entrusted myself with on this trip; that is to say, regarding Miss Kenton and our present staffing problems.


*in respect to ~の点で、~に関して ※但しin respect of (British)/ with respect to (American) の方が一般的かも





But that was this morning. This evening I found myself settled here in this comfortable guest house in a street not far from the centre of Salisbury. It is, I suppose, a relatively modest establishment, but very clean and perfectly adequate for my need. The landlady, a woman of around forty or so, appears to regard me as a rather grand visitor on account of Mr Farraday's Ford and the high quality of my suit. This afternoon - I arrived in Salisbury at around three thirty - when I entered my address in her register as 'Darlington Hall', I could see her look at me with some trepidation, assuming no doubt that I was some gentleman used to such places as the Ritz or the Dorchester and that I would storm out of the guest house on being shown my room. She informed me that a double room at the front was available, though I was welcome to it for the price of a single.


*establishment 施設 [formal]
*landlady 宿の女主人 [British]
*be adequate for~ 特定の目的に適った、十分な ※enoughやsufficientととても意味が似ているが、enough/sufficientは量に焦点があって、adequateは目的に焦点がある。そのためadequateはたいてい for/to を取る。adequateには必要最小限のニュアンスもある。
*on account of ~が理由で
*trepidation この先の不安感から来る狼狽 [formal]
The Ritz Hotel リッツ・ホテル きっと名前は誰もが知っている超有名五つ星ホテル。上流階級と豪奢のシンボル。1906年open。ロンドンだけでなくパリのど真ん中にあるリッツも由緒正しくて有名。今のリッツはこちら
The Dorchester ドーチェスター 知る人ぞ知る超高級五つ星ホテル。1931年open。いろんな小説にも登場する。第二次世界大戦でもその建物の頑丈さがとっても評価された。今のドーチェスターはこちら
*storm out of 怒って~から飛び出す


 I was then brought up this room, in which, at that point of the day, the sun was lighting up the floral patterns of the wallpaper quite agreeably. There were twin beds and a pair of good-sized windows overlooking the street. On inquiring where the bathroom was, the woman told me in a timid voice that although it was the door facing mine, there would be no hot water available until after supper. I asked her to bring me up a pot of tea, and when she had gone, inspected the room further. The beds were perfectly clean and had been well made. The basin in the corner was also clean. On looking out of the windows, one saw on the opposite side of the street a bakery displaying a variety of pastries, a chemist's shop and a barber's. Further along, one could see where the street passed over a round-backed bridge and on into more rural surroundings. I refreshed my face and hands with cold water at the basin, then seated myself on a hard-backed chair left near one of the windows to await my tea.


*good-sized かなり大きな
*rural 街から離れて田舎っぽい


 I would suppose it was shortly after four o'clock that I left the guest house and ventured out into the streets of Salisbury. The wide, airy nature of the streets here give the city a marvellously spacious feel, so that I found it most easy to spend some hours just strolling in the gently warm sunshine. Moreover, I discovered the city to be one of many charms; time and again, I found myself wandering past delightful rows of old timber-fronted houses, or crossing some little stone footbridge over one of the many streams that flow through the city. And of course, I did not fail to visit the fine cathedral, much praised by Mrs Symons in her volume. This august building was hardly difficult for me to locate, its looming spire being ever-visible wherever one goes in Salisbury. Indeed, as I was making my way back to this guest house this evening, I glanced back over my shoulder on a number of occasions and was met each time by a view of the sun setting behind that great spire.


*time and again 幾度となく、繰り返し
*footbridge 歩行者用の細い橋 ※歩道橋なども含む
*cathedral (kəˈθiːdrəl) ※発音注意カスィードラル、日本語のカテドラルはギリシャ語から
*august 堂々たる ※元は尊ぶべきという意味のラテン語に由来し、8月のAugustも同語源
*spire (spaɪə) ※発音注意スパイア、スピアの綴りはspear


 And yet tonight, in the quiet of this room, I find that what really remains with me from this first day's travel is not Salisbury Cathedral, nor any of the other charming sights of this city, but rather that marvellous view encountered this morning of the rolling English countryside. Now I am quite prepared to believe that other countries can offer more obviously spectacular scenery. Indeed, I have seen in encyclopedias and the National Geographic Magazine breath-taking photographs of sights from various corners of the globe; magnificent canyons and waterfalls, raggedly beautiful mountains. It has never, of course, been my privilege to have seen such things at first hand, but I will nevertheless hazard this with some confidence: the English landscape at its finest - such as I saw it this morning - possesses a quality that the landscapes of other nations, however more superficially dramatic, inevitably fail to possess. It is, I believe, a quality that will mark out the English landscape to any objective observer as the most deeply satisfying in the world, and this quality is probably best summed up by the term 'greatness'. For it is true, when I stood on that high ledge this morning and viewed the land before me, I distinctly felt that rare, yet unmistakable feeling - the feeling that one is in the presence of greatness. We call this land of ours Great Britain, and there may be those who believe this a somewhat immodest practice. Yet I would venture that the landscape of our country alone would justify the use of this lofty adjective.


*rolling countryside 見渡す限りの田園風景 ※rollingはうねうねと緩やかな起伏がひたすら続くことに対する表現。
National Geographic ナショナル・ジオグラフィック 世界で最も購読されている雑誌の一つ。1888年に刊行され、1905年からは写真を含む様になり現在よく知られるスタイルになった。特集される題材は主に科学、地理、歴史、世界の文化などである。
*raggedly ごつごつした岩肌の ※元々はボロボロの生地のと言う意味
*hazard 推測を敢えて口にしてみる
*an objective observer 客観的な観察者、公平な観察者、外からの視点を持つ者
*mark out 特徴づける、目立たせる
*an immodest practice 慎みの無い慣例、悪習
*lofty 高尚な、大仰な ※lofty words ご高説などにも使われる表現で、周囲を遠ざけるような高尚さという側面を持つ語。


 And yet what precisely is this 'greatness'? Just where, or in what, does it lie? I am quite aware it would take a far wiser head than mine to answer such a question, but if I were forced to hazard a guess, I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart. What is pertinent is the calmness of that beauty, its sense of restraint. It is as though the land knows of its own beauty, of its own greatness, and feels no need to shout it. In comparison, the sorts of sights offered in such places as Africa and America, though undoubtedly very exciting, would, I am sure, strike the objective viewer as inferior on account of their unseemly demonstrativeness.


*it takes ... to do something ~するには...を必要とする、求められる ※このtakeはneedの意
*pertinent 適切な、妥当な [formal] relevantのformal版
*strike someone as something 人に~という印象を与える
*unseemly 見苦しい [disapproval]


 The whole question is very akin to the question that has caused much debate in our profession over the years: what is a 'great' butler? I can recall many hours of enjoyable discussion on this topic around the fire of the servants' hall at the end of a day. You will notice I say 'what' rather than 'who' is a great butler; for there was actually no serious dispute as to the identity of the men who set the standards amongst our generation. That is to say, I am talking of the likes of Mr Marshall of Charleville House, or Mr Lane of Bridewood. If you have ever had the privilege of meeting such men, you will no doubt also understand what I mean when I say it is not at all easy to define just what this quality is.


*akin (əˈkɪn) to = similar to [formal]
*profession 特定のプロフェッショナルな職業の者全体 ※集合名詞なので、個別にいう場合はprofessional
★Mr Marshall and Mr Lane マーシャル氏とレイン氏 ※当世切っての素晴らしい執事としてこの後も度々名前が挙がる人物。執事の世界では有名らしい。
★訳注:このあと[professional プロフェッショナル]という語が度々登場します。この章ではずっと執事を代表とする邸宅で働く専門職の人たちを指しています。全てのプロフェッショナルに贈る言葉のようにもなっているため敢えて訳していませんが、ちょっと分かりにくい場合はプロフェッショナルを執事に置き換えて頂くとより話が分かり易くなるでしょう。


 Incidentally, now that I come to think further about it, it is not quite true to say there was no dispute as to who were the great butler. What I should have said was that there was no serious dispute among professionals of quality who had any discernment in such matters. Of course, the servants' hall at Darlington Hall, like any servants' hall anywhere, was obliged to receive employees of varying degrees of intellect and perception, and I recall many a time having to bite my lip while some employee - and at times, I regret to say, members of my own staff - excitedly eulogized the likes of, say, Mr Jack Neighbours.


*incidentally ついでに
*professionals of quality 質の高いプロフェッショナルの者たち※a man of something で~な人と言う意味になる。a man of fortune 財産家, a man of foibles クセのある人、a man of ability デキる人
*discernment 高い見識 = the ability to judge well
*intellect 知性
*perception 本質を見抜く目、見る目があるないの「見る目」 ※この意味では不可算。死生観など物事の見方という意味では可算名詞。
*bite one's lip 唇を噛む→言葉を呑み込む、言いたいことを我慢する
*many a something = many ~ [formal] e.g. many a time, many a man
*eulogize (ˈjuːləˌdʒaɪz) ほめそやす [formal] p※本文はeulogizeだがBritishではよくeulogiseになる
★Mr Jack Neighbours ジャック何某氏 ※悪口なので名前を伏せる代わりにジャック=ネイバーズ氏(隣人ジャック氏)と言っている。


 I have nothing against Mr Jack Neighbours, who sadly, I understand, was killed in the war. I mention him simply because his was a typical case. For two or three years in the mid-thirties, Mr Neighbours's name seemed to dominate conversations in every servants' hall in the land. As I say, at Darlington Hall too, many a visiting employee would bring the latest tales of Mr Neighbours's achievements, so that I and the likes of Mr Graham would have to share the frustrating experience of hearing anecdote after anecdote relating to him. And most frustrating of all would be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking their heads in wonder and uttering phrases like: 'That Mr Neighbours, he really is the best.'


★Mr Graham グレイアム氏 ※スティーブンズが一目置く執事でプロローグにもその名前が出てきた。彼にbantering(冗談交じりの会話)について聞きたかったのに会う機会が失われてしまったと嘆いていた。
★would be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking their heads in wonder and uttering phrases like
*be having to do 繰り返し~しなければならなかった ※継続的動作の動詞でない進行形は繰り返し~するという意味になる。後にeachがあるので一度ではなかった事が分かる
*otherwise decent employees shaking their heads... and uttering phrases like:


 Now I do not doubt that Mr Neighbours had good number of large occasions with conspicuous style. But at no stage did he ever approach the status of a great butler. I could have told you this at the height of his reputation, just as I could have predicted his downfall after a few short years in the limelight.


*large occasions 派手な機会、人目につく機会
*conspicuous 顕著な
*limelight 脚光の的


 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort? And yet those very same employees who once heaped praise on him will be too busy eulogizing some new figure to stop and examine their sense of judgement. The object of this sort of servants' hall talk is invariably some butler who has come to the fore quite suddenly through having been appointed by a prominent house, and who has perhaps managed to pull off two or three large occasions with some success. There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages.


*demonstrably 論証できるほどに明白に [formal]
*nothing of the sort 決してそんなことはない ※何かを全否定する、あるいは全力で反対する時の言い方
*heap praise 称讃を積み上げる→口々に誉める、誉めそやす
*invariably 例外なく、いつも [British]
*come to the fore 全面に出る = become important or popular
*pull off 難しい事を成功させる
*to the effect that~ ~という趣旨の
*personage 大人物

And what has happened before a few years have passed? This same invincible figure has been held responsible for some blunder, or has for some other reason fallen out of favour with his employers leaves the house where he came to fame and is never heard of again. Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse.


*blunder 不注意などによるバカバカしい失敗
*fall out of favour with sb 人の寵を失う
★Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse
※yet どうせまた、どうせ今頃は [emphasize] 注:Britishではyetとalreadyは通常現在完了形で使う (アメリカ英語では過去形)。yetを肯定文で使うと感情がこもる。スティーブンズが苦々しく思っている事が分かる
*enthuse (ɪnˈθjuːz) 職や興味を切望する ※発音注意、濁らない。enthusiasmの動詞

Visiting valets, I have found, are often the worst offenders, aspiring as they usually do to the position of butler with some urgency. They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate, or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters.


valet (ˈvælɪt/ˈvæleɪ) お付きの従者 ※大きな家の主人の身の回りの世話をする専属従者で、貴族女性の身の回りの世話をするlady's maidの男性版。フランス語風にヴァレイと読むことも、普通にヴァリットと読むこともある。butler 執事は家の管理を任される人でvalet以外のスタッフを統括するが、valetは主人専属。主人がちゃんとして見えるような衣服の調達や、お風呂の用意、主人が出掛ける際の旅の準備などを専門とする。執事と兼ねている人もいる。
*offender 問題を起こす人
*aspire to sth (an important job) 何らかの重要な職を切望する
They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate, or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters.
※It is they who tend to という強調構文のtheyが前に出ている。(強調する中身が人だとthatがwhoになる事がある)
*the one to emulate 見習うべき人物 ※emulate の目的語が the one
※pronounced の目的語はずっと前の関係代名詞 what。元の文は
some particular hero is said to have pronounced something upon professional matters


 But then, of course, I hasten to add, there are many valets who would never dream of indulging in this sort of folly - who are, in fact, professionals of the highest discernment. When two or three such persons were gathered together at our servants' hall - I mean of the calibre of, say, Mr Graham, with whom now, sadly, I seem to have lost touch - we would have some of the most stimulating and intelligent debates on every aspect of our vocation. Indeed, today, those evenings rank amongst my fondest memories from those times.


*I hasten to add 誤解なきよう(急いで)付け加えるが
*dream of doing 特に自分の未来などについて、愚かな夢想をする事 ※ここでは一足飛びに出世するのを夢見る事。
*folly 愚かな行い ※foolの派生語
★I mean of the calibre of, say, Mr Graham, 例えば、グレイアム氏レベルの人という意味で
※この of はなくてもよい、~の意味で言っていると言う時に of が入る事があり、曖昧な事を言った時に限定するようなニュアンスになる。言い直した時のI meanには入らない。
*say = let's say 例えば
*the calibre of sb 誰それレベルの水準の ※特にレベルが高い時に使う
*lose touch with sb/sth ~の近況を知る手段を失う、疎遠になる
*stimulating (adj.) 刺激的な、新たなアイデアを生むような
*vocation 特定の職業に対する職業意識、使命感


 But let me return to the question that is of genuine interest, this question we so enjoyed debating when our evenings were not spoilt by chatter from those who lacked any fundamental understanding of the profession; that is to say, the question 'what is a great butler?'


*But let me return... さて、話を戻させて頂きたい ※このbutは逆説ではなく、話題を転換する時のbut
*the question (that is) of genuine interest そもそもの興味の中心だった疑問※the question of genuine interest にthat is が挿入されている。that isはつまりに相当し、自由な語でどこにでも入る


 To the best of my knowledge, for all the talk this question has engendered over the years, there have been very few attempts within the profession to formulate an official answer. The only instance that comes to mind is the attempt of the Hayes Society to devise criteria for membership. You may not be aware of the Hayes Society, for few talk of it these days. But in the twenties and the early thirties, it exerted a considerable influence over much of London and the Home Countries. In fact, many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close, I believe in 1932 or 1933.


*to the best of my knowledge 私の知る限り
*engender 生じる [formal]
*formulate 明確に述べる
★Hayes (heɪz) Society ヘイズ・ソサィアティ 選ばれた執事が登録されると言われる権威ある執事団体。でも詳細は謎。この話の架空団体。
*criteria (kraɪˈtɪərɪə) pl. 判断基準 ※単数形は[criterion (kraɪˈtɪərɪən) sg.] ※ギリシャ語系の単語のpl.は最後が-aになる。e.g. phenomenon (sg.) → phenomena (pl.), datum (sg.) → data (pl.)
*exert an influence 影響を及ぼす [formal]
Home Countries 大ロンドン周辺地域 ※グレーターロンドン周辺のみを指す言葉で、特に上流階級の中ではここがアッパーであるというある種の選民意識に基づいた呼称。東京近県みたいな表現なのできちんとした定義はないが、バッキンガムシャー州、 サリー州などを含み、バークシャー州、エセックス州なども含まれることがある。日本で言えば東京近郊に神奈川、千葉、埼玉はいつも含まれるが、茨城、群馬、栃木辺りになると時々で、山梨、静岡くらいになるとほとんど含まれないとかそういう感じ。どこまでがHome Countriesなのかについては当然イギリスでも議論の火種である。


 The Hayes Society claimed to admit butlers of 'only the very first rank'. Much of the power and prestige it went on to gain derived from the fact that unlike other such organizations which have come and gone, it managed to keep its numbers extremely low, thus giving this claim some credibility. Membership, it was said, never at any point rose above thirty and much of the time remained closer to nine or ten. This, and the fact that the Hayes Society tended to be a rather secretive body, lent it much mystique for a time, ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn on tables of stone.


*admit 組織などへの入会を許す
*derive from sth ~から生じる、に由来する
*a secretive body 秘密主義的な組織体
*sth lend sth some quality 物事が何かに何らかの品質を与える
*for a time 一時的に
*pronouncements 公式発表 ※通常複数形
tablets of stone 石板(に刻まれたモーゼの十戒) ※出エジプトでモーゼが神に授けらえた教えを刻んだとされるヘブライ語の石板。十の戒律が書いてあるので、Ten Commandments モーゼの十戒(じっかい)と呼ばれている。ここでは絶対的規範の比喩。
*hewn (hjuːn) 荒く刻まれた ※hew (hjuː) 斧などで石や木に粗く刻むのp.p. [old-fashioned] ここでは石板のヘブライ語の文字


 But one matter the Society resisted pronouncing on for some time was the question of its own criteria for membership. Pressure to have these announced steadily mounted, and in response to a series of letters published in A Quarterly for the Gentleman's Gentleman, the Society admitted that a prerequisite for membership was that 'an applicant be attached to a distinguished household'. 'Though of course,' the Society went on, 'this by itself is far from sufficient to satisfy requirements.'


*resist doing ※resist to doとは言わない
*membership = a state of being a member
★Pressure to have these announced steadily mounted,
have O(these) C(announced) のⅤ文型
*sth mount 着実に増加する
★A Quarterly for the Gentleman's Gentleman ジェントルマンに仕えるジェントルマンの為の季刊誌 ※執事やお付きの従者向けに発行される季刊誌。その中にヘイズ・ソサィアティが読者の投稿に手紙で答えるコーナーがあるらしい。
*quarterly 季節刊行雑誌、年4回発行される雑誌
*the gentleman's gentleman ジェントルマンに仕えるジェントルマン ※a butler or valet執事やお付きの従者に対する呼称の一つ。
★a prerequisite for membership was that 'an applicant be attached to a distinguished household'
※that an applicant be attached は仮定法現在で、更に文全体が過去形になっている。要求などに基づく内容のthat節内の動詞は原形となる。決定とは不確実な未来に対して為されるので、仮定の一種であるため。但しこの用法はとても[formal]。つまりスティーブンズの話し方はガッチガチのフォーマルスタイルである。
*prerequisite for ~への前提条件
*applicant 仕事や地位などを欲して申請する人 ※apply 申請するの名詞なのだが、どうやら申請を受け付けるスタイルではなく協会からの指名制っぽいので、候補者の方が近い
*be attached to a group of people ~に所属する

It was made clear, furthermore, that the Society did not regard the houses of businessmen or the 'newly rich' as 'distinguished', and in my opinion this piece of out-dated thinking crucially undermined any serious authority the Society may have achieved to arbitrate on standards in our profession. In response to further letters in A Quarterly, the Society justified its stance by saying that while it accepted some correspondents' views that certain butlers of excellent quality were to be found in the houses of businessmen, 'the assumption had to be that the houses of true ladies and gentlemen would not refrain long from acquiring the services of any such persons'. One had to be guided by the judgement of 'the true ladies and gentlemen', argued the Society, or else 'we may as well adopt the proprieties of Bolshevik Russia'.


*undermine ~の根元を掘る→~を密かに傷付ける、損なう遠因となる
*arbitrate (ˈɑːbɪˌtreɪt) 仲裁する ※ラテン語由来でちょっと難しい単語。ここでは論争を仲裁する→落としどころを見付けるという意味
*were to be found 見出され得るはず ※be to do は助動詞の代わりをする
★One had to be guided..., argued the Society,
※倒置が起きている、本当の主語はthe Society 倒置前の文章は
The Society argued that one had to be guided by the judgement of true ladies and gentlemen, or...
*argue that... ~ が正しいと一方的にその根拠を主張する ※相手の主張は聞かないニュアンスがある
*may as well ~(あり得ない事を)するようなものだ ※may as wellにはこれ意外に「~した方がよっぽどマシだ」という意味もあるがここは仮定の方。協会がソ連方式になることはあり得ない仮定である
*propriety その社会に相応しい質や状態の事。[formal] ※具体的には個人の礼儀作法などを指すが、ここでは協会の運営体制の事。
★Bolshevik ボルシェビキ ※旧ソ連で採用されていた政治システム、ここでは一党独裁の非民主的な政治システムとして揶揄するのに使われている。

This provoked further controversy, and the pressure of letters continued to build up urging the Society to declare more fully its membership criteria. In the end, it was revealed in a brief letter to A Quarterly that in the view of the Society - and I will try and quote accurately from memory - 'the most crucial criterion is that the applicant be possessed of a dignity in keeping with his position. No applicant will satisfy requirements, whatever his level of accomplishments otherwise, if seen to fall short in this respect.'


★the most crucial criterion is that the applicant be possessed of a dignity in keeping with his position
*be possessed of ~を所有している、兼ね備えている ※このpossessedは形容詞
*in keeping with ~に沿った、に従った、見合った
whatever his level of accomplishments otherwise
whateverは実はdeterminer (theとかthisとかの様な限定詞) になれる。ここではhisとともにlevelにかかっている。determinerのルールはややこしいので詳しくはこちらを参照 Determiners in English Club
*fall short スタンダードに届いていない、レベル的に不十分である
*in this respect この点において ※この意味のrespectの形容詞がrespective それぞれ


 For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes Society, it is my belief that this particular pronouncement at least was founded on a significant truth. If one looks at, say, Mr Marshall or Mr Lane, it does seem to be that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely competent is most closely captured by this word 'dignity'.


*for all sth ~を考慮しても
*competent (ˈkɒmpɪtənt) 有能な、十分な知識や技術を持つ
*capture 質的なものなどを体現する、表現する
★Mr Marshall or Mr Lane マーシャル氏やレイン氏 当代きっての素晴らしい執事の代表格として先にも名前が出てきた人物。


 Of course, this merely begs the further question: of what is 'dignity' comprised? And it was on this point that the likes of Mr Graham and I had some of our most interesting debates. Mr Graham would always take the view that this 'dignity' was something like a woman's beauty and it was thus pointless to attempt to analyse it. I, on the other hand, held the opinion that to draw such a parallel tended to demean the 'dignity' of the likes of Mr Marshall. Moreover, my main objection to Mr Graham's analogy was the implication that this 'dignity' was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature; and if one did not self-evidently have it, to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful. Now while I would accept that the majority of butlers may well discover ultimately that they do not have the capacity for it, I believe strongly that this 'dignity' is something one can meaningfully strive for throughout one's career. Those 'great' butlers like Mr Marshall who have it, I am sure, acquired it over many years of self-training and the careful absorbing of experience. In my view, then, it was rather defeatist from a vocational standpoint to adopt a stance like Mr Graham's.


*beg the question 解決されるべき疑問をそのままにする ※単に質問すると言う意味で使われる事もあるが、間違いだとする人もいる
*compose of ~から成る
*demean 品位を落とす、品位を下げる
*analogy 類推法
*fluke まぐれ当たり
*futile そもそも成功の芽がない、無益な
*vocational 職業訓練的な
*defeatist 敗北主義者


 In any case, for all Mr Graham's scepticism, I can remember he and I spending many evenings trying to put out fingers on the constitution of this 'dignity'. We never came to any agreement, but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matter during the course of such discussions, and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today. I would like, if I may, to try and say here what I think this 'dignity' to be.


*put one's fingers on ~を的確に指摘する
*constitution 構造、構成
*capacity potential的能力 ※abilityはその時できる能力
*by and large 完全ではないが概ね正しい ※船乗り用語から来ていて、良い風(large)の時も悪い風(by)の時もという意味


 You will not dispute, I presume, that Mr Marshall of Charleville House and Mr Lane of Bridewood have been the two great butlers of recent times. Perhaps you might be persuaded that Mr Henderson of Branbury Castle also falls into this rare category. But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men, and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of 'dignity'. Yet it is my firm conviction that at the peak of his career at Loughborough House, my father was indeed the embodiment of 'dignity'.


★Mr Marshall and Mr Lane マーシャル氏とレイン氏 ※当代きっての素晴らしい執事の代表格で、度々名前が登場する。スティーブンズ憧れの執事なのかもしれない。マーシャル氏のいるCharleville Houseというのは、実はお隣アイルランドには実在する。国が違うので関係ないが。ちなみにCharleville Castleというのもある。
★Henderson (ˈhɛndərsən) ヘンデルソン ※ヘンリーの息子という意味のスコットランド系の名前。イギリス英語だと r が結構ちゃんと聞こえるのでヘンデゥソンみたいに聞こえる。ヘにアクセントがある。
★Branbury Castle ブランバリー城 ※実はよく似た名前のBanbury Castleという城なら実在した。でも、この時代にはもうなくなって跡地しかない。
*scrutinize 徹底的に調べ上げる
*conviction 信念、確信
Loughborough (ˈlʌfbərə) ラフバラー ※イングランド中央部に位置する街。boroughは行政区と言う意味


 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively, one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler. But those same absent attributes, I would agree, are every time those of a superficial and decorative order, attributes that are attractive, no doubt, as icing on the cake, but are not pertaining to what is really essential. I refer to things such as good accent and command of language, general knowledge on wide-ranging topics such as falconing or newt-mating - attributes none of which my father could have boasted.


*concede 渋々認める
*attribute (ˈætrɪˌbjuːt) 人や物の長所や欠点 ※名詞のアクセントはア、動詞はリ(əˈtrɪbjuːt)
★But those same absent attributes, (I would agree) , are every time those of a superficial and decorative order, attributes that are attractive, ... , but are not pertaining to what is really essential.
※those of a superficial and decorative order の言い換えが attributes that are attractive
この文は「Every absent attribute of those is decorative and not essential. (その欠落した長所はどれも装飾的なものであって不可欠なものではない)という内容をすごく回りくどく説明している。
*a decorative order = a decorative kind/sort 装飾的な種類の、タイプの [formal] ※この意味では可算名詞
*pertain to ~と関連する [formal]
*good accent 活舌のよさ
*command of language 言い回し(の上手さ)
*falconing 鷹狩用の鷹の調教
*mating 交配 ※生物学でかけ合わせて新種を作るとかいう場合の交配
newt (njuːt) いもりの一種で、サラマンダーなどが含まれる

Furthermore, it must be remembered that my father was a butler of an earlier generation who began his career at a time when such attributes were not considered proper, let alone desirable in a butler. The obsessions with eloquence and general knowledge would appear to be ones that emerged with our generation, probably in the wake of Mr Marshall, when lesser men trying to emulate his greatness mistook the superficial for the essence. It is my view that our generation has been much too preoccupied with the 'trimmings'; goodness knows how much time and energy has gone into the practicing of accent and command of language, how many hours spent studying encyclopedias and volumes of 'Test Your Knowledge', when the time should have been spent mastering the basic fundamentals.


*let along sth ~は言うまでもなく
*in the wake of sth ~の結果として、~にならって ※このwakeは航跡と言う意味の名詞で目覚める方のwakeとは別語源
*lesser men 取るに足らない者たち、ここではマーシャル氏に劣る者たち
*eloquence 雄弁さ、効果的に言葉を使う事
*the trimmings 華美で不要な装飾


 Though we must be careful not to attempt to deny the responsibility which ultimately lies with ourselves, it has to be said that certain employers have done much to encourage these sorts of trends. I am sorry to say this, but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times, some of the highest pedigree, which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above 'showing off' to guests a butler's mastery of such trivial accomplishments. I have heard of various instances of a butler being displayed as a kind of performing monkey at a house party. In one regrettable case, which I myself witnessed, it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order of, say, who had won the Derby in such and such a year, rather as one might to a Memory Man at the music hall.


*not to attempt to do 間違っても~しないように、うっかり~しないように ※「attempt/try not to do なるべく~しないように頑張る」とはnotの位置が違う。スティーブンズは努力目標ではなく、絶対的な規範としてこれを言っている。
*lie with sb 人に責任がある、任されている
*pedigree 血統、系譜
*not be above doing sth ~する事を上に置かない→いつでも~する用意がある、~するのも上等だとばかりに ※間違っているとか、品位が下がるのも厭わずのニュアンスがある 参考:be above to doing ~するのを良しとしない
*ring for sb 人を呼び鈴で呼びつける ※ring for sth は呼び鈴を鳴らして物を持ってこさせる
*of the order of sth ~の類の ※このorderはkind/sortの意で[formal]
*such and such a year これこれの年に、ほにゃららの年に ※具体的に何年かを言わない言い方
*as one might to sth ~に対するそれのような
★A Memory Man 記憶人間 ※かつてmusic hall (ショーホール)で人気があったエンターテイナーで、記憶力のすごさをショーで披露するというようなもの。ちょうどスティーブンズの若い頃くらいにロンドンで絶大な人気があったのが William James Maurice Bottle という人物で、The 39 Steps というヒッチコックの映画のMr Memoryのモデルにもなった。
music hall 主にロンドン周辺にある音楽だけでなく手品やショーなどもやっている娯楽施設。フランスのCabaretとほぼ同義だがイギリスでは伝統的にmusic hallと呼んでいる。舞台付きのレストランのような作りになっていて、予約もできる。


 My father, as I say, came of a generation mercifully free of such confusions of our professional values. And I would maintain that for all his limited command of England and his limited general knowledge, he not only know all there was to know about how to run a house, he did in his prime come to acquire that 'dignity in keeping with his position', as the Hayes Society puts it. If I try, then, to describe to you what I believe made my father thus distinguished, I may in this way convey my idea of what 'dignity' is.


*come of sth ~の生まれで [formal]
*command of English 英語力 ※英語を駆使する力、日本語の国語力にあたる
*maintain 絶対~だと強く主張する
*all there is ※all の強調、there isはなくとも意味は通る
*in one's prime 最盛期に
★If I try, then, to describe to you what I believe made my father thus distinguished
直訳は、 父をそのように傑出した存在たらしめていると私が信じるものについて、私の考えをご説明してみよう


 There was a certain story my father was fond of repeating over the years. I recall listening to him tell it to visitors when I was a child, and then later, when I was starting out as a footman under his supervision. I remember him relating it again the first time I returned to see him after gaining my first post as a butler - to a Mr and Mrs Muggeridge in their relatively modest house in Allshot, Oxfordshire. Clearly the story meant much to him. My father's generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the profession he practised. As such, it gives a vital clue to his thinking.


★listening to him tell it
※listen to 人 原形動詞。知覚動詞はSVOCの第Ⅴ文型で「人が~するのを見る聞く」という意味になる。Cは原形、p.p.、-ingどれでも良い。e.g. I saw it burn./ I heard my name called./ I heard you calling him
footman フットマン ※主にテーブルで給仕についたり、馬車に乗るときに出迎えたりという役目をする。大きな家にしかいなかったので、ステータスの象徴であり、執事への登竜門でもある役職。ステータスであるという性質から、背が高く見目がいい者が多く、伝統的な衣装は、足が目立つように、長いストッキングにひざ丈のズボン(breeches)である。
★remember him relating it 彼がそれを語ったのを覚えている
※remember his relating it でも良い
*relate a story 見聞きした話や経験を物語る [formal]
★after gaining my first post as butler
Oxfordshire オクスフォードシャー ※ロンドンの西ちょっと北寄りにある州。南はBerkshireバークシャー州。州都はオクスフォードで、かの有名なオクスフォード大学があることでも有名。
*accustomed to sth ~に慣れて
*reflect on sth ~についてじっくり考える


 The story was an apparently true one concerning a certain butler who had travelled with his employer to India and served there for many years maintaining amongst the native staff the same high standards he had commanded in England. One afternoon, evidently, this butler had entered the dining room to make sure all was well for dinner, when he noticed a tiger languishing beneath the dining table. The butler had left the dining room quietly, taking care to close the doors behind him, and proceeded calmly to the drawing room where his employer was taking tea with a number of visitors. There he attracted his employer's attention with a polite cough, then whispered in the latter's ear: 'I'm very sorry, sir, but there appears to be a tiger in the dining room. Perhaps you will permit the twelve-bores to be used?'


★maintaining (amongst the native staff) the same high standards (that) he had commanded in England
※maintainの目的語はthe standardsで、その後のthatが省略されている。
※the same ~ that.. ...と全く同じ~。似た表現である the same ~ as... は~と同型の... (同じ形だが、同一のものではない).
*languish (vi.) 弱った状態になる、力もなくうなだれる
*take care to do 念入りに~する
*drawing room 応接間 [formal and archaic]※大邸宅に設けられていた客をもてなしたり、主人がくつろいだりする用の大部屋。古い表現で現在ではliving roomと呼ばれる。
*twelve-bore 12口径(のショットガン) [British] ※bore = gaugeは弾の重さを指す単位で、大きくなるほど小さい弾になる。12 gauge = 1/12 pounds で、弾の大きさは直径が18.53mm。いわゆる散弾銃のサイズ。
*whisper in one's ear コッソリ耳打ちする
*the latter = the employer 特に前者がいなくても直前の人を指す


 According to legend, a few minutes later, the employer and his guests heard three gun shots. When the butler reappeared in the drawing room some time afterwards to refresh the teapots, the employer had inquired if all was well.
 'Perfectly fine, thank you, sir,' had come the reply. 'Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time.'


*according to legend 語り伝えられたところによると ※語り草になったという意味でのlegendには冠詞が付かないことが多い。また文頭にLegendが来る時も付かないことが多い。e.g. Legend has it that, Legend says
*some time afterwards その暫くのち
*discern はっきりとではないが目に入る、知覚する [formal]


 This last phrase - 'no discernible traces left of the recent occurrence by that time' - my father would repeat with a laugh and shake his head admiringly. He neither claimed to know the butler's name, nor anyone who had known him, but he would always insist the event occurred just as he told it. In any case, it is of little importance whether or not this story is true; the significant thing is, of course, what it reveals concerning my father's ideals. For when I look back over his career, I can see with hindsight that he must have striven throughout his years somehow to become that butler of his story. And in my view, at the peak of his career, my father achieved his ambition. For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table, when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him, I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story.


*hindsight 過去を振り返ってみて、今にしてみれば思う事、そういえば~だったなと思う事
*strive to do ~しようと励む ※strive - strove - striven
*encounter 遭遇する ※encountではない事に注意。encountと言う英語はない


 One such instance was related to me by Mr David Charles, of the Charles and Redding Company, who visited Darlington Hall from time to time during Lord Darlington's days. It was one evening when I happened to be valeting him, Mr Charles told me he had come across my father some years earlier while a guest at Loughborough House - the home of Mr John Silvers, the industrialist, where my father served for fifteen years at the height of his career. He had never been quite able to forget my father, Mr Charles told me, owing to an incident that occurred during that visit.


*valet (vt.) valet (お付きの従者)をする
★Loughborough House ラフバラー邸:スティーブンズの父親がキャリアの絶頂期に執事をしていた家として先にも出て来た


 One afternoon, Mr Charles to his shame and regret had allowed himself to become inebriated in the company of two fellow guests - gentlemen I shall merely call Mr Smith and Mr Jones since they are likely to be still remembered in certain circles. After an hour or so of drinking, these two gentlemen decided they wished to go for an afternoon drive around the local villages - a motor car around this time still being something of a novelty. They persuaded Mr Charles to accompany them, and since the chauffeur was on leave at that point, enlisted my father to drive the car.


*inebriated (ɪnˈiːbrɪeɪtɪd) きこしめす、深酒をする [formal]
*in the company of ~と一緒に
★Mr Smith and Mr Jones スミス氏とジョーンズ氏 ※どちらもありふれた苗字。本人の特定を避けるために、仮の名前として使われている。恐らく何らかの悪評が残っているのだと思われる。
*novelty (ˈnɒvəltɪ) 斬新な
*chauffeur (ˈʃəʊfə) お抱え運転手
*on leave 暇(いとま)を貰って不在で
*enlist 人 to do ~するのに人の助けを借りる、手伝ってくれるよう説得する


 Once they had set off, Mr Smith and Mr Jones, for all their being well into their middle years, proceeded to behave like schoolboys, singing coarse songs and making even coarser comments on all they saw from the window. Furthermore, these gentlemen had noticed on the local map three villages in the vicinity called Morphy, Saltash and Brigoon. Now I am not entirely sure these were the exact names, but the point was they reminded Mr Smith and Mr Jones of the music hall act, Murphy, Saltman, and Brigid the Cat, of which you may have heard. Upon noticing this curious coincidence, the gentlemen then gained an ambition to visit the three villages in question - in honour, as it were, of the music hall artistes.


*for all = in spite of
*proceed to do (前の行動に続けさまに)続いて~する
*coarse (kɔːs) 粗野な、下品な
*in the vicinity 近隣に [formal]
*act サーカスやショーのプログラムの一つ、演目
*in question つい今しがた話題に上った
*artiste (ɑːˈtiːst, French artist) 発音注意、スキルの高い選手やダンサー。pl. artistes

According to Mr Charles, my father had duly driven to one village and was on the point of entering a second when either Mr Smith or Mr Jones noticed the village was Brigoon - that is to say the third, not the second, name of the sequence. They demanded angrily that my father turned the car immediately so that the villages could be visited 'in the correct order'. It so happened that this entailed doubling back a considerable way of the route, but, so Mr Charles assures me, my father accepted the request as though it were a perfectly reasonable one, and in general, continued to behave with immaculate courtesy.


*duly (ˈdjuːlɪ) 型通りに、求められたとおりに
*it so happens that なんとしたことか、確かに~なのだ[emphasis] ~が真実であるという強調、驚くようなものかもというニュアンスがある
*entail 当然の帰結として~をきたす、必然的に~になる [formal]
*double back 着た道を戻る [phrasal verb]
*immaculate この上なくきっちりと、折り目正しく
💬なぜin general(概して)と付け加えられたのかあとで分かります。


 But Mr Smith's and Mr Jones's attention had now been drawn to my father and no doubt rather bored with what the view outside had to offer, they proceeded to amuse themselves by shouting out unflattering remarks concerning my father's 'mistake'. Mr Charles remembered marvelling at how my father showed not one hint of discomfort or anger, but continued to drive with an expression balanced perfectly between personal dignity and readiness to oblige. My father's equanimity was not, however, allowed to last. For when they had wearied of hurling insults at my father's back, the two gentlemen began to discuss their host - that is to say, my father's employer, Mr John Silvers. The remarks grew even more debased and treacherous so that Mr Charles - at least so he claimed - was obliged to intervene with the suggestion that such talk was bad form.


*amuse oneself by ~で憂さ晴らしをする、暇つぶしをする
*unflattering 人を嘲る
*readiness (ˈrɛdɪnɪs) to do 進んで~する姿勢、覚悟
*equanimity いかなる時も取り乱さない平静さ [formal]
*be weary (ˈwɪərɪ) of doing ~することにうんざりする、疲れて飽きてくる
*hurl (hɜːl) insults 無礼な言葉を乱暴に浴びせかける
*host (həʊst) 発音注意、日本語はホストだが、英語ではホゥスト
*debased (dɪˈbeɪst) 人を貶める様な
*treacherous (ˈtrɛtʃərəs) 信頼を裏切るような
*intervene (ˌɪntəˈviːn) 会話に割って入る


 This view was contradicted with such energy that Mr Charles, quite aside from worrying he would become the next focus of the gentlemen's attention, actually thought himself in danger of physical assault. But the suddenly, following a particularly heinous insinuation against his employer, my father brought the car to an abrupt halt. It was happened next that had made such an indelible impression upon Mr Charles.


*contradict 異論を唱える、正しくないと反論する
*such energy そういう話の勢い
*quite aside from~, actually ~どころか、実際には ※単なる[aside from ~は別として]という表現とは意味する所がかなり異なることに注意。quite aside from~, actually... だと、~の内容も含むのに対して、aside from~だけだと、~の内容は含まない。
*heinous (ˈheɪnəs) 極悪の [formal]
*insinuation 当てこすり、仄めかし
*abrupt 出し抜けの、急の
*halt (hɔːlt) 停止
*indelible (ɪnˈdɛlɪbəl) 拭い難い、どうやっても忘れられない ※特にimpressionに使う


 The rear door of the car opened and my father was observed to be standing there, a few steps back from the vehicle, gazing steadily into the interior. As Mr Charles described it, all there passengers seemed to be overcome as one by the realization of what an imposing physical force my father was. Indeed, he was a man of some six feet three inches, and his countenance, though reassuring while one knew he was intent on obliging, could seem extremely forbidding viewed in certain other contexts. According to Mr Charles, my father did not display any obvious anger. He had, it seemed, merely opened the door. And yet there was something so powerfully rebuking, and at the same time so unassailable about his figure looming over them that Mr. Charles's two drunken companions seemed to cower back like small boys caught by the famer in the act of stealing apples.


*as one 一斉に
*imposing 威風堂々たる、圧倒するような  ※動詞のimposeは意見を無理やり押し付ける
*six feet three inches = about 192cm
★1920年頃のイギリス人男性の平均身長は約5.6ft (170cm)。パパスティーブンズはかなり大柄であることが分かる。ちなみに現在は約6ft (183cm)。つまり現在のイギリス人と比べても高い。
*countenance 容貌、相貌
*rebuke (rɪˈbjuːk) 言動などを咎める、非難する [formal]
*unassailable (ˌʌnəˈseɪləbəl) 難攻不落の
*cower 恐怖で縮こまる


 My father had proceeded to stand there for some moments, saying nothing, merely holding open the door. Eventually, either Mr Smith or Mr Jones had remarked: 'Are we not going on with the journey?'
 My father didn't reply, but continued to stand there silently, neither demanding disembarkation nor offering any clue as to his desires or intentions. I can well imagine how he must have looked that day, framed by the doorway of the vehicle, his dark, severe presence quite blotting out the effect of the gentle Hertfordshire scenery behind him. Those were, Mr Charles recalls, strangely unnerving moments during which he too, despite not having participated in the preceding behaviour, felt engulfed with guilt. The silence seemed to go on interminably, before either Mr Smith or Mr Jones found it in him to mutter: 'I suppose we were talking a little out of turn there. It won't happen again.'


*disembarkation (dɪsˌɛmbɑːˈkeɪʃən) 乗り物を降りて旅を終わらせる事 ※disembark v.の名詞
★neither (ˈnaɪðə), either(ˈaɪðə) [British] ※これぞブリティッシュの発音の代表格。ちなみに[American]は(ˈniːðə)(ˈiːðə)
*blot out sth ~の前に立ちはだかって後ろを見えなくする
*unnerve (ʌnˈnɜːv) 勇気を失わせる ※nerve sb to do 困難に立ち向かうべく勇気づける
*interminably 不本意にずっとイヤな状態が続いて ※interminable (ɪnˈtɜːmɪnəbəl) 、terminate 完全に終わらせる
*find it in sb to do 人が勇気をもって~する ※心の中にそれを見つけ出すという表現で、勇気以外に同情心などを指す場合もある
*talk out of turn 軽率な話をする


 A moment to consider this, then my father had closed the door gently, returned to the wheel and had proceeded to continue the tour of the three villages - a tour, Mr Charles assured me, that was completed thereafter in near silence.




 Now that I have recalled this episode, another event from around that time in my father's carrier comes to mind which demonstrates perhaps even more impressively this special quality he came to possess. I should explain here that I am one of two brothers - and that my elder brother, Leonard, was killed during the South African War while I was still a boy. Naturally, my father would have felt this loss keenly; but to make matters worse the usual comfort a father has in these situations - that is, the notion that his son gave his life gloriously for king and country - was sullied by the fact that my brother has perished in a particularly infamous manoeuvre.


the South African War (the Second Boer War) 南アフリカ戦争(第二次ボーア戦争):1899-1902にthe South African Republic (南アフリカ共和国)とthe Orange Free State(オレンジ自由国)の連合軍と大英帝国の間で、南アフリカの覇権を巡って起きた戦争。きっかけはボーア共和国内で見付かったダイヤモンドと金の鉱脈。
Boer ボーア人:17世紀に南アフリカに入植していたオランダ人の子孫。
*be sullied by sth ~によって穢される ※sully (sʌli) 綺麗なモノを穢す [formal]
*infamous (ˈɪnfəməs) 悪名高い、不名誉な [formal]
*manoeuvre (məˈnuːvə) 軍事作戦 [British spell] ※[American] maneuver

Not only was it alleged that the manoeuvre had been a most un-British attack on civilian Boer settlements, over-whelming evidence emerged that it had been irresponsibly commanded with several floutings of elementary military precautions, so that the men who had died - my brother among them - had died quite needlessly.


*un-British 大英帝国らしからぬ
★スティーブンズの時代(1957年)には既にインドが独立(1947年)しているが、第二次ボーア戦争(1899-1902)当時はまだ大英帝国時代である。また、大英帝国はscorched-earth policy(焦土作戦)を展開して世界中から非難を受けていた。焦土作戦とは、敵の抵抗力を削ぐことを目的に、軍事物資になりそうなもの全てを焼き払うやり方。食料や拠点となりそうな市街地など全てを対象とするため、人道的立場から非常に非難されることの多い作戦。おそらくスティーブンズの兄はその焦土作戦で亡くなったのだと思われる。
*overwhelming 圧倒的な、強力な
*irresponsibly 無責任に
*flouting ルールを無視した
*elementary 初歩的な

In view of what I am about to relate, it would not be proper of me to identify the manoeuvre any more precisely, though you may well guess which one I am alluding to if I say that it caused something of an uproar at the time, adding significantly to the controversy the conflict as a whole was attracting. There had been calls for the removal, even the court-martialling, of the general concerned, but the army had defended the latter and he had been allowed to complete the campaign.


*allude それとなくその話題に触れる、仄めかす [formal]
*uproar (ˈʌpˌrɔr) n. 喧々諤々の状態 ※アクセント注意
★(it) adding to the controversy (it = the manoeuvre) 軍事作戦がその論争に拍車をかけた
*sth add to sth 何かが何かの程度を増す、拍車をかける、火に油を注ぐ
★the controversy (which) the conflict as a whole was attracting
*controversy (ˈkɒntrəˌvɜːsɪ) ※アクセント注意
*as a whole 全体として、総括して
*the latter = the general ※特に前者がなくても、直前の人物を指してlatterと言う

What is less known is that at the close of the Southern African conflict, this same general had been discreetly retired, and he had then entered business, dealing in shipments from Southern Africa. I relate this because some ten years after the conflict, that is to say when the wounds of bereavement had only superficially healed, my father was called into Mr John Silvers's study to be told that this very same personage - I will call him simply 'the General' - was due to visit for a number of days to attend a house party, during which my father's employer hoped to lay the foundations of a lucrative business transaction. Mr Silvers, however, had remembered the significance the visit would have for my father, and had thus called him in to offer him the option of taking several days' leave for the duration of the General's stay.

その話に比して あまり知られていない事であるが、この当の司令官は南アフリカ紛争の終結時に人知れず退役し、その後南アフリカから海外へと貨物を輸送する事業を始めていた。私がこの件を申し上げるのは、この紛争から数十年が経過したのち、つまりは身内を喪った傷が表面的にだけは癒えたと言える年月が経った頃、父はジョン=シルバーズ氏の書斎に呼ばれ、この当事者たる有力者が-私の口からは単に「司令官殿」とだけ呼ばせて頂こう-ハウスパーティーへ出席するために少なからぬ日数屋敷に滞在する事を告げられたからである、そう、父の雇い主はそのパーティーの間に儲けの大きい商取引の足がかりを作る事を願っていたのだ。しかしながら、シルバーズ氏はその訪問が父にとって如何に大きな問題であるかを覚えていたが故に、父を呼び寄せ選択肢を与えて下さったのである、司令官殿の滞在する期間中、数日間休暇を取ってはどうかと。

*at the close of sth ~の終わりに
*discreetly 人知れず ※慎重にの意味もある
*enter business ビジネスの世界に入る、事業を始める
*shipments 海外への輸送 ※船とは限らない
*a wound (wuːnd) 長引く引きずる心の傷。※けがの場合はナイフや銃などの負傷。発音注意、動詞windの過去は(waʊnd)
*bereavement (bɪˈriːvmənt) 近親者の死による哀しみ
*superficially 表面的に
★my father was called into Mr John Silvers's study to be told that
to be told は結果を表している
★Mr John Silvers ジョン=シルバーズ氏:スティーブンズの父がキャリアの絶頂期に長年務めた館の主で実業家。
*personage 有力者 [formal]
*be due to do ~する予定である
*a number of 少なからぬ ※2より多くmanyより少ない
★lucrative (ˈluːkrətɪv) business 非常に儲かる商売、濡れ手に粟の商売
※lucrativeはprofitableと意味は似ているものの、使う場面が違ってほぼ言い換えが出来ない。profitableにはlucrativeが持つような「ボロ儲け」のニュアンスがない。filthy lucre (ˈluːkə) 悪銭、真っ当でない金から来ている表現。 名詞はrを読まないので注意
*lay the foundations 基礎を築く、足がかりを作る
★Mr Silvers, however, had remembered the significance (which) the visit would have for my father
※元はthe visit would have the significance for my father という文のthe significanceが先行詞になって前に出ている
*have significance 重要性を持つ


 My father's feelings towards the General were, naturally, those of utmost loathing; but he realized too that his employer's present business aspirations hung on the smooth running of the house party - which with some eighteen or so people expected would be no trifling affair. My father thus replied to the effect that while he was most grateful that his feelings had been taken into account, Mr Silvers could be assured that service would be provided to the usual standards.


*utmost (ˈʌtˌməʊst) 程度や量が極度な、他の追随を許さない ※アクセント注意、似た単語のupmost は一番上の位置にある
*loathe (loʊð) 蛇蝎の如く嫌う ※adj. loath (loʊθ) どうにも気の進まない。嫌いの強さとしては、hate < detest (Latin) < loathe (古英語)。loathe は文語的でかなり強い。hateには悪いモノを憎むニュアンスがあるが、detest, loathe にはない。
the house party - which (with some eighteen or so people expected) would be no trifling affair
※関係代名詞 whichに予想人数のwith以下がくっついて主語になっている。peopleは主語でない事に注意
*expected = anticipated 予想される、期待される[British] ※到着人数や到着時間の予想に使う
*the effect that ~のような趣旨の事を
*be assured that ~であるとご安心ください ※~は保証されますよ、安心させるために声をかける時の表現

 As things turned out, my father's ordeal proved even worse than might have been predicted. For one thing, any hopes my father may have had that to meet the General in person would arouse a sense of respect or sympathy to leaven his feelings against him proved without foundation. The General was a portly, ugly man, his manners were not refined, and his talk was conspicuous for an eagerness to apply military similes to a very wide variety of matters.


*ordeal (ɔːˈdiːl) 過酷な体験
*for one thing 第一に ※理由などを列挙する際に使う。つまり次がある。
*leaven (ˈlɛvən) 変化が徐々に行き渡る ※元の意味は生地やバターを発酵させる
*portly (ˈpɔːtlɪ) かなりふくよかな [formal] ※fatより穏やかな表現、fatはデブに近い。類義語:stout どっしりとした (婉曲表現), obese (əʊˈbiːs) 極度の肥満の
*refined 上品で洗練された ※礼儀正しく、マナーが良く、センスがイイ。不純物(イヤなところ)を取り除いたイメージ
*conspicuous (kənˈspɪkjʊəs) ありありと目に見える
*simile (ˈsɪmɪlɪ) 直喩 ※~の様なという表現法の事

Worse was to come with the news that the gentleman had brought no valet, his usual man having fallen ill. This presented a delicate problem, another of the house guests being also without his valet, raising the question as to which guest should be allocated the butler as valet and who the footman. My father, appreciating his employer's position, volunteered immediately to take the General, and thus was obliged to suffer intimate proximity four days with the man he detested.


*worse (n.) = a worse thing
*raise (reɪz) vt. 持ち上げる ※rise (raɪz) vi. 持ち上がる。混同しないように注意
★valet お付きの従者:主人の出先について行って、世話をする役目の従者。館では衣類の準備や、旅行の準備などを担当していて、フットマンよりはずっと上。実は執事の直属ではなく、主人の直属なので、厳密に言うと執事の部下ではないが、イメージ的には執事の方が上。
★footman フットマン:大きな館の使用人で、新人の仕事。つまり、執事の方がずっと偉いしサービスレベルも上なので、valet(お付きの従者)として貸して貰えるのならば誰しもフットマンより執事を自分に割り振って欲しいと思うのが人の常であろう。
*intimate 親密な [formal] ※発音注意、adj. n. (ˈɪntɪmɪt)/ v. (ˈɪntɪˌmeɪt)
*detest 毛嫌いする、憎々しく思う
*proximity 近接距離 [formal]

Meanwhile, the General, having no idea of my father's feelings, took full opportunity to relate anecdotes of his military accomplishments - as of course many military gentlemen are wont to do to their valets in the privacy of their rooms. Yet so well did my father hide his feelings, so professionally did he carry out his duties, that on his departure the General had actually complimented Mr John Silvers on the excellence of his butler and had left an unusually large tip in appreciation - which my father without hesitation asked his employer to donate to a charity.


*be wont (woʊnt) to do ~するのが常である [written] ※won't (woʊnt)と同じ発音
*in the privacy of one's room 人目に付かない自室でこっそりと
★Yet so well did my father hide his feelings, so professionally did he carry out his duties,
※Yet my father hided his feelings so well, he carried out his duties so professionally と言う文が強調の為に倒置が起きている
*compliment v.(ˈkɒmplɪˌmɛnt) 賛辞を述べる、誉める ※n.(ˈkɒmplɪmənt) 称賛。注:[complement v.(ˈkɒmplɪˌmɛnt) 補完して完全な形にする] [n.(ˈkɒmplɪmənt) 補完、文法の補語]と発音が同じ。
*in appreciation 感謝として


 I hope you will agree that in these two instances I have cited from his career - both of which I have had corroborated and believe to be accurate - my father not only manifests, but comes close to being the personification itself, of what the Hayes Society terms 'dignity in keeping with his position'. If one considers the difference between my father at such moments and a figure such as Mr Jack Neighbours even with the best of his technical flourishes, I believe one may begin to distinguish what it is that separates a 'great' butler from a merely competent one. We may understand better, too, why my father was so fond of the story of the butler who failed to panic on discovering a tiger under the dining table; it was because he knew instinctively that somewhere in this story lay the kernel of what true 'dignity' is.


*cite 引用する
*corroborate (kəˈrɒbəˌreɪt) 裏付ける ※コラボはcollaborate
*manifest 目に見える形で表す、体現する [formal]
*personification 権化、抽象的な何かがそのまま人になった存在
*fail to do ~(するはずが)し損ねる、普通なら~する所をしないでやり過ごす ※必ずしも失敗するニュアンスはない
*kernel (ˈkɜːnəl) 固い殻の中にある実(くるみなど)、比喩的に最も大事な部分

And let me now posit this: 'dignity' has to do crucially with a butler's ability not to abandon the professional being he inhabits. Lesser butlers will abandon their professional being for the private one at the least provocation. For such persons, being a butler is like playing some pantomime role; a small push, a light stumble, and the façade will drop off to reveal the actor underneath. The great butlers are great by virtue of their ability to inhabit their professional role and inhabit it to the utmost; they will not be shaken out by external events, however surprising, alarming or vexing. They wear their professionalism as a decent gentleman will wear his suit: he will not let ruffians or circumstances tear it off him in the public gaze; he will discard it when, and only when, he wills to do so, and this will invariably be when he is entirely alone. It is, as I say, a matter of 'dignity'.


*posit vt. ~を議論の前提として話を進める [formal]
*abandon やっていたことを途中で止める、放棄する
*inhabit one's role 役になり切る、役に徹する ※その役に住むという言い方をする
*provocation 怒り
*façade (fəˈsɑːd) そとづら、外面 ※元フランス語で、建物の正面の外観とかもいう
*vex イライラさせる、当惑させる
*ruffian ゴロツキ
*invariably (ɪnˈvɛərɪəblɪ) 変わることなく、いつも


 It is sometimes said that butlers only truly exist in England. Other countries, whatever title is actually used, have only manservants. I tend to believe this is true. Continentals are unable to be butlers because they are as a breed incapable of the emotional restraint which only the English race is capable of. Continentals - and by and large the Celts, as you will no doubt agree - are as a rule unable to control themselves in moments of strong emotion, and are thus unable to maintain a professional demeanour other than in the least challenging of situations. If I may return to my earlier metaphor - you will excuse my putting it so coarsely - they are like a man who will, at the slightest provocation, tear off his suit and his shirt and run about screaming. In a word, 'dignity' is beyond such persons. We English have an important advantage over foreigners in this respect and it is for this reason that when you think of a great butler, he is bound, almost by definition, to be an Englishman.


*breed 血統、種族
★capable 素質がある:現在それがこなせるという意味の他、将来的にある能力が伸びる(素質がある)という意味でも使う。
★Continentals 大陸的な者、大陸の人:非常に英国っぽい島国根性がよく出ている表現で、島国イギリスからヨーロッパ大陸を指して言っている。イギリス人はよくこの表現を使う。というか、大陸の人は自分たちを大陸の人とは呼ばないものである。島国であることに誇りを持っている点が日本人とよく似ている。忍耐強さが美徳だと思っているところも。
Celts ケルト人:人種と言うより文化で分けた呼称なのではっきりとした線引きはないが、大雑把に言うとアイルランドを中心としてケルト文化を持つ人々であり、かつては中央ヨーロッパに広く分布していた。ケルトの分布を見ると分かるのだが、イギリスはどっぷり浸かっている。キリスト教化する以前は自然を信仰しドルイドと呼ばれる僧を頂点にした生活していた。ハロウィーンも元々はケルトのサーウィンがキリスト教国に広まったもの。イングランドはかなりケルト文化と接しているために、逆に色々対立があるのかもしれない。
*by and large 大概において
*as a rule 概して
*demeanour (dɪˈmiːnə) 性格を他に印象付けるような振る舞い [formal]
*coarsely 粗野に乱暴に


 Of course, you may retort, as did Mr Graham whenever I expounded such a line during those enjoyable discussions by the fire, that if I am correct in what I am saying, one could recognize a great butler as such only after one had seen him perform under some severe test. And yet the truth is, we accept persons such as Mr Marshall or Mr Lane to be great, though most of us cannot claim to have ever scrutinized them under such conditions. I have to admit Mr Graham has a point here, but all I can say is that after one has been in the profession as long as one has, one is able to judge intuitively the depth of a man's professionalism without having to see it under pressure.


*retort 憤慨交じりに言い返す [written] ※retort flaskもLatinのretortusから来ている。意味はbent back
*expound (ɪkˈspaʊnd) 詳細を述べる [formal]
*such a line このような件(くだり)
*have a point 核心を突く

Indeed, on the occasion one is fortunate enough to meet a great butler, far from experiencing any sceptical urge to demand a 'test', one is at a loss to imagine any situation which could ever dislodge a professionalism borne with such authority. In fact, I am sure it was an apprehension of this sort, penetrating even the thick haze created by alcohol, which reduced my father's passengers into a shamed silence that Sunday afternoon many years ago. It is with such men as it is with the English landscape seen at its best as I did this morning: when one encounters them, one simply knows one is in the presence of greatness.


*experience feelings 感情を抱く
*be at a loss (特定の状況で)どうしていいか分からない
*dislodge 固定されていた場所から取り除く
*borne with authority 威厳を纏った ※身に着ける、纏うという意味のときのbearのp.p.。生む時のp.p.はborn
*reduce sb into sth 人を~の状態に陥らせる、前置詞はtoの事の方が多い
It is with ... ,as it is with ... それは…と共に存在し、同じ様に…と共に存在する
It = greatnessそれ=グレイトネス

 There will always be, I realize, those who would claim that any attempt to analyse greatness as I have been doing is quite futile. 'You know when somebody's got it and you know when somebody hasn't,' Mr Graham's argument would always be. 'Beyond that there's nothing much you can say.' But I believe we have a duty not to be so defeatist in this matter. It is surely a professional responsibility for all of us to think deeply about these things so that each of us may better strive towards attaining 'dignity' for ourselves.


*may better do ※may well doのwellが比較級になっている





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